Mithridatic Wars Teaser

Hey everyone, hope your holidays are going well! I just wanted to drop a teaser image for our upcoming new campaign – The Mithridatic Wars! Set in between the first and second war during Sulla’s march on Italy, this campaign will focus on both a Roman civil war and the war with Pontus.
We will have more news soon about a public beta that will be coming. Have a Merry Christmas!

Divide et Impera 1.3.1a Fix Update!

This small update brings various post-1.3.1 fixes to the mod. We appreciate the feedback and continued support! You can find the standalone on the Download page, only part 1 has been updated.

Update 1.3.1a

– Fixed imperium loyalty effects not properly working – this will lower loyalty, especially at higher imperiums.
– Fixed a few textures and models that were not properly updated in 1.3.1.
– Updated unit cards for Scythians and a few other units
– Fixed Alexander campaign supply values resetting when after game load. Saved games will get the supply first turn pop up message again.
– Increased industrial income region bonus for Numantia and Ebora
– Fixed Greek Euzonoi factional variants missing javelins
– Updated in flight projectile models for various Iberian units.
– Rhodian naval units now use population class 3
– Polished appearances for many Iberian and Germanic units, generals and officers.
– Replaced Germanic metal crossband helmets and axes with more accurate models
– Added a few new Germanic shield patterns
– Added some new beards for barbarians.
– New axe model for elite Germanic units
– Fixed various minor unit visual issues.
– Fixed Galatian Thorax AOR unit not being recruitable
– Fixed some artillery army tradition effects that were not working
– Increased upkeep reduction from champion background skills
– Changed melee weapon entry for Cimbri sword unit
– Adjusted morale for several Nervii units
– Minor adjustments to morale for Gallic/Celtic AI units
– Fixed Lusitani Skirmishers animation entry
– Fixed indian AOR units being in civil war rosters across the map
– Fixed political ancillary spouses missing effects
– Fixed Egypt Linen Cataphracts not being grayed out
– Removed Athens and Sparta militia hoplites from levy unit sets
– Fixed some Egyptian units missing from some minor township recruitment
– Fixed Roman Quinquiremes missing from tier 3 small port
– Fixed stats for Medewi cavalry
– Added missile block chance to Medewi quilted cataphracts
– Removed repel cavalry formation from several Roman units
– Added unique garrison visuals for Arevaci and Lusitani
– Adjusted faction colors for Iberian non playable factions
– Adjusted visuals for Iberian and Cimbri units
– Fixed visual and stat inconsistencies with various barbarian units
– Added new helmet for Lusitani generals
– Adjusted appearances for Galatian and Libyan/Mauretanian generals
– Adjusted horse equipment for Celtic horses
– Fixed Satrapal Palatial building mispelled name
– Fixed emergent Indian faction and civil war factions missing proper garrison entries
– Fixed Bronze shield pikes having slightly buffed stats after patch
– Moved Macedonian AOR dart slingers to thorax reform and changed population class to match core roster unit
– Removed campaign cap for Egyptian Hepteres ships

Divide et Impera 1.3.1 Released!

Divide et Impera 1.3.1 Overview

After many months of work and testing, we are proud to announce the new mod update has finally arrived! DeI 1.3.1 features an updated supply system, the Alexander campaign, new reforms changes and updates for many factions. These factions include Maurya, Baktria, Parthia, the Iberians and Athens. We have also worked on some neglected parts of the mod including AOR/Merc units and Naval units. Thanks to everyone who helped to test and give feedback over these months, we all appreciate it!

You can head over to our Download Page to get the latest update. Steam will update automatically. It is save compatible. We will be working on updating submods as we can. Please note: submods that haven’t been updated may not be compatible.

Patch Notes

Supply System Update
– Army and Navy UI addition with detailed information about their supply status. Icon found on top right of Army commander UI.
– Supply storage increased and will be replenished before regional supplies.
– Supply storage now used before regional supplies
– Improved movement bonus for transport fleets first turn after embarking
– Navy to Transport supply effect bundle added
– Various fixes for barbarian supply functions and navies in ports.
– Lots of “under the hood” changes to make the supply system more moddable and modular.
– Many smaller fixes.

Alexander Campaign Added
– Incorporated the Alexander submod into the main mod.

Reforms Changes
– Thracians, Illyrians, Armenians, Galatians and other factions relying on Greek Global Reforms now have their own reforms that trigger 4 turns after the AI global reforms.
– These changes were done to fix various technical issues with reforms, especially in multiplayer.
– Special reforms now have their units hidden instead of just grayed out in the recruitment panel
– Moved Global Marian reforms to Turn 120, Imperial to 220
– Moved Global Thorax to 130
– Added reform requirements text to upgrade technology descriptions for ease of information access.

Mauryan Overhaul
– Overhauled Mauryan unit roster with new units, including naval roster.
– New Garrison, Mercenary and AOR units for the Mauryan regions.
– New reform based on cultural conversion of nomadic lands.
– Six new temples to better represent the culture as well as a new Buddhist temple line. New government types.
– New combined stables/exotic stables and siege workshop/chariot recruitment buildings
– New Buddhist culture spread by one chain and also present as a small regional bonus.
– New UI appearance when playing as Maurya.

Baktrian Overhaul
– Various new and overhauled units for Baktria.
– New Buddhist enclave building line with new unit recruitment

Parthian Overhaul
– New and overhauled units added for Parthia.
– New Parthian reforms at Imperium 3, Turn 60 and Imperium 5, Turn 130

Athens Overhaul
– Various new and updated units for Athens.

Iberian Overhaul
– Adjusted appearance for all Iberian units, generals and officers to bring them up to standard of other units
– Various changes to units within each Iberian faction’s roster to make them have more unique styles.

Naval Overhaul
– Made all tetreres slightly faster to conform to their historical usage. Hellenic and Carthaginian tetreres are now the fastest ramming ships in the game.
– Rhodes has earlier access to tetreres, a new bodyguard option and new Hoplite Slinger marines.
– Added a new marine unit with a spear to all barbarian and steppe factions
– Standardized recruitment cost for all ships
– Adjusted ramming damage and ship HP for all ship classes
– Adjusted population class for many ships to incentivize recruiting faction-appropriate ship types
– Moved all barbarian assault ships into the largest hulls – they now have 120 men.
– Barbarian marines now come in three classes. Third Class are basic melee marines, Second Class are spear marines, First Class are best quality marines.
– Adjusted ships available to Getae, Ardiaei, and Odrysia to remove redundancy

AOR/Mercenary Overhaul
– Overhauled Britannic, Iberian, Gallic, Alpine, Celtic, Germanic, and Galatian AOR and mercenary units to bring them into line with faction counterparts
– Added new officers for Ligurian, Scandinavian, and Alpine units
– Adjusted recruitment level for numerous AOR units
– Balanced Celtic and Germanic garrison units to better conform with previous changes to their recruitable units
– Adjusted Galatian Swordsmen to be more competitive vis-a-vis AOR and mercenary options
– Cimbri Assault Infantry and Helisi Assault Infantry now have precursor javelins

Major Changes
– New cothon port model added to Carthage on the campaign map (thanks Benjin!)
– Added various missing playable factions from pirate spawns and reduced further away early Rome spawns
– Changed Seleucid personality entries to make them more defensive.
– Changed population class for all Third Class cavalry to Second Class cavalry. Made appropriate stat and appearance changes.
– New unit cards for Armenia.
– Slightly lowered AI naval budget allocations for non naval personalities
– Added Dart Slingers as regular unit of Antigonids (thorax reform)
– Fixed Sparta having the wrong pop classes for AOR/Merc greek units

Other Changes/Fixes
– Added new attic helmets
– Fixed Iberian reformed unit missing from their reform entires.
– Disabled new reform the line ability while embarked.
– Changed Magna Graecia secured event text to better match possible situations where Rome is at peace with that region.
– Fixed some special temples missing sanitation bonus.
– Added new shoeless Celtic trouser models.
– Added retextured wolf/sheep mantles (Thanks Summary!)
– Added longsword scabbard models (thanks SMS!)
– Fixed British slinger spearmen missing concentrated fire ability.
– Fixed British slingers having the wrong shield entry.
– Changed Rome starting building from industry to sanitation.
– Fixed mispelled Rhodes faction effect bundle title.
– Removed largest ship types from pirate rosters.
– Changed Scordisci archers to 3rd class
– Increased trade bonus from silk/amber road region effects.
– Changed Belgic regions to be the proper auxilia settings (rather than alpine/celtic) – new campaign only
– Changed Iweriu and Caledone faction traits
– Fixed various barbarian model shoulder/chest clipping
– Fixed many standard bearer models
– Changed starting culture in Latium to be slightly Latin dominant.
– Changed starting Ligurian building to barracks.
– Reviewed all shields for consistent appearance and statistics.
– Changed Gallic army traditions to Formidable Spearmen and Cavalry Masters
– Adjusted non playable British unit weapon stats to be more in line with playable versions
– New shock spear unit strength/weakness text entry
– Adjustments to some Armenian unit appearances.
– Adjustments to Thessalian cav stat and unit appearances.
– Changed arabian pirates to the right culture (new campaign only)
– Updated look and animation entry/stats of Nakharar Cavalry
– Updated look and stats of Syracusean Lancers
– Updated look of Numidian Legionaires and Peltasts
– Further tweaks to Armenian Catas and Royal Catas to include some Greek skins
– Tons of other smaller fixes and updates to many unit appearances.

– Summary for many UI elements, new textures, shields and much more.
– Litharion for all the supply overhaul changes, as always huge thanks!
– Swaraj for the Mauryan overhaul and reform script changes!
– Sheep cloaks from GAC
– Q/CEMMEN for Iberians, AOR/Merc, Naval and a ton of other stuff. Always awesome work.
– Benjin for various models!
– KAM for the Baktrian/Parthian overhauls and battle updates.
– Skillfultree for many UI and model updates
– Demosthenes for the wonderful Athens rework.
– Morfeasnikos for his great shield textures from his Thucydides History mod
– Dominus for shield textures from his Athens Emblem mobd
– Aguirre for various assets from the great TABU mod
– Noniac, Celticus, Benjin and Hloeric for helmet and sword models from Roman Models Extravaganza
– Kraut and Tea for use of many assets from the Hellenic Resource pack!

1.3.1 Edetani Roster Preview


While the Celtic tribes who migrated into Iberia a few hundred years before the DeI timeframe came to replace, adapt and assimilate many Iberian tribes to form a new Celtiberian identity, they didn’t quite expand into the entire peninsula. The Iberian tribes along the coasts south of the river Ebro retained their language and culture. Many of these tribes had contact with the early Phoenicians and later Carthaginians, as well as Hellenic traders and explorers establishing trade outposts and colonies along the coast. Because of this and the higher degree of urbanization than their Celtiberian cousins of the inland, tribes such as the Edetani, Cessetani and Turdetani were considered the most “civilized” tribes of Iberia.

The Edetani roster is a versatile one, with solid options across the board and a particularly wide selection of very high quality cavalry. While the roster includes typically Iberian units such as the Scutarii or Caetrati and devastating skirmishers, their aggressive lower tier infantry should not be overlooked, expendable but capable of baiting and outpositioning enemies due to their light equipment and high stamina. Finally, the Edetani has some of the best cavalry in Iberia, with excellent options for deadly skirmishing, agile light shock and tougher melee fighting. They also have some of the heaviest cavalry in the western world, with riders covered in chainmail and horses clad in scale.

1.3.1 Maurya Roster Preview

Maurya Samrajya

The Maurya Samrajya or the Mauryan Empire was founded by Chandragupta Maurya, grandfather of Ashoka the Great, the famous Indian Emperor who ruled over the largest empire to ever span the Indian subcontinent. In 305 BC to 303 BC, Seleucus I Nicator initiated the Seleucid-Mauryan war in an attempt to re-establish the Indian satrapies of the Macedonian empire taken over by Chandragupta. The war ended in a Mauryan victory in which Seleucus ceded Gedrosia (Maka), the Hindu Kush, Punjab and parts of Afghanistan to Chandragupta. From this arrangement, Seleucus received 500 Indian war elephants, which subsequently influenced the Wars of the Diadochi. Seleucus and Chandragupta also agreed to a marriage alliance in which Berenice the daughter of Seleucus was offered as a bride to Chandragupta. It has been 20 years since the death of Chandragupta and his son Bindusara sits upon the Mauryan throne. Maka represents the Western most extent of the Mauryans who look to expand Westward on Persian and Hellenic factions that formerly antagonised them after Alexander’s conquests. As such, it has a special “Provincial Empire” government.

The Mauryan empire is also the only Hindu faction in-game with a Buddhist temple chain to signify the prevalence of Buddhism within their realm. Buddhism would become the major religion of the empire under the reign of Ashoka. The Mauryan faction boasts the best elephant units, long ranged archers and powerful armour penetration and shock infantry. While they lack in the cavalry and spearmen department, they do get access to the former with their unique reforms should they conquer the Nomadic lands of Transoxiana and Xvarazm to the North and spread the Hindu faith in those provinces. This is indicative of how subsequent Nomadic incursions into the Indian subcontinent influenced the Indians to adopt their own heavily armoured shock cavalry contingents.    

1.3.1 Arevaci Roster Preview

The Arevaci

The Arevaci were a Celtiberian tribe occupying central Spain. Their capital, Numantia, was the focus of several major Roman campaigns during the late Second Century BC. They were famous for their metalworking, which gave their nation great wealth and power. As a Celtiberian tribe, the Arevaci combine Celtic and Iberian elements, although they trend more toward the latter. As a nod to their Celtic heritage, as well as their historically-attested use of an orange-sepia body paint, one of the Arevaci signature units is the Iberi Uirodusios (Celtiberian Painted Warriors), who are fast-moving, hard-hitting naked warriors. Other standout units include the Birikantinoi (Celtiberian Champions), who carry some of the finest swords available (benefits of excellent Iberian metalworking traditions). Like other Iberians, they also possess excellent missile units, with a special emphasis on javelins and slings. Their cavalry is excellent in quality and variety. In addition to excellent horse skirmishers, they possess light lancers and sturdy melee cavalry.


Divide et Impera 1.3.1 Public Beta Released!

1.3.1 Overview

After many months of work the DeI team is proud to announce our new public beta has been released! This new beta features many exciting updates including overhauls to Maurya, Baktria, the Iberians, AOR/Mercenary units, naval units and many others. It also incorporates the Alexander campaign into the main mod as a regular campaign choice rather than as a submod. Many reforms have been edited as well to fix bugs and add features. Finally, the supply system itself has been rewritten on a technical level to be more efficient with some new features. This beta will be going for awhile and we plan to add even more overhauls and features as we go.

Download & Installation

To try out the beta, simply download either the standalone version or the Steam version. If you get the standalone version, place it into your Rome 2 data folder and activate it above the main mod in the mod launcher. If you get the Steam version, just make sure its loaded above (first) before the main mod as well.

Standalone: Download (Mirror)
Steam: Download

*Please be aware many submods will not be compatible with the beta. Save games are compatible.

Patch Notes

Supply System Update
– Army and Navy UI addition with detailed information about their supply status. Icon found on top right of Army commander UI.
– Supply storage increased and will be replenished and used before regional supplies.
– Improved movement bonus for transport fleets first turn after embarking
– Navy to Transport supply effect bundle added (was missing)
– Various fixes for barbarian supply functions and navies in ports.
– Lots of “under the hood” changes to make the supply system more moddable and modular.
– Many smaller fixes.

Alexander Campaign Added
– Incorporated the Alexander submod into the main mod.

Reforms Changes
– Thracians, Illyrians, Armenians, Galatians and other factions relying on Greek Global Reforms now have their own reforms that trigger 4 turns after the AI global reforms.
– These changes were done to fix various technical issues with reforms, especially in multiplayer.
– Special reforms now have their units hidden instead of just grayed out in the recruitment panel (Thanks to Swaraj!)
– Moved Global Marian reforms to Turn 120, Imperial to 220
– Moved Global Thorax to 130

Mauryan Overhaul
– Overhauled Mauryan unit roster with new units, including naval roster.
– New Garrison, Mercenary and AOR units for the Mauryan regions.
– New reform based on cultural conversion of nomadic lands.
– Six new temples to better represent the culture as well as a new Buddhist temple line. New government types.
– New combined stables/exotic stables and siege workshop/chariot recruitment buildings
– New Buddhist culture spread by one chain and also present as a small regional bonus.
– New Mauryan UI.

Baktria Overhaul
– Various new and overhauled units for Baktria.
– New Buddhist enclave building line with new unit recruitment

Iberian Overhaul
– Adjusted appearances for all Iberian units to bring them up to standard of other units
– New general appearances for all playable Iberian factions.
– New Officers for Iberian Ambusher and Levy units
– Adjusted recruitment and bodyguard options for Iberian playable rosters
– Converted one light infantry unit per playable faction into a heavy skirmisher unit (available from tier 3 barracks)
– Arevaci specific changes: Loricati Scutarii are now a more assault-oriented spear unit, Iberi Velites are now a cheap light infantry option. Major adjustments to Arevaci cavalry names and roles and upgrades.
– Edetani specific changes: Various armor and shield values adjusted to match stats. Loricati Gaesamica are now a heavy skirmisher unit
– Lusitani specific changes: Major adjustments to Lusitanian cavalry to make them more distinct and more effective. Callaecae Roscaithera are now a heavy skirmisher unit

Naval Overhaul
– Made all tetreres slightly faster to conform to their historical usage. Hellenic and Carthaginian tetreres are now the fastest ramming ships in the game.
– Rhodes has earlier access to tetreres, a new bodyguard option and new Hoplite Slinger marines.
– Added a new marine unit with a spear to all barbarian and steppe factions
– Standardized recruitment cost for all ships
– Adjusted ramming damage and ship HP for all ship classes
– Adjusted population class for many ships to incentivize recruiting faction-appropriate ship types
– Moved all barbarian assault ships into the largest hulls – they now have 120 men.
– Barbarian marines now come in three classes. Third Class are basic melee marines, Second Class are spear marines, First Class are best quality marines.
– Adjusted ships available to Getae, Ardiaei, and Odrysia to remove redundancy

AOR/Mercenary Overhaul
– Overhauled Britannic, Iberian, Gallic, Alpine, Celtic, Germanic, and Galatian AOR and mercenary units to bring them into line with faction counterparts
– Added new officers for Ligurian, Scandinavian, and Alpine units
– Adjusted recruitment level for numerous AOR units
– Balanced Celtic and Germanic garrison units to better conform with previous changes to their recruitable units
– Adjusted Galatian Swordsmen to be more competitive vis-a-vis AOR and mercenary options
– Cimbri Assault Infantry and Helisi Assault Infantry now have precursor javelins

Major Changes
– New cothon port model added to Carthage on the campaign map (thanks Benjin!)
– Added various missing playable factions from pirate spawns and reduced further away early Rome spawns
– Changed Seleucid personality entries to make them more defensive.
– Changed population class for all Third Class cavalry to Second Class cavalry. Made appropriate stat and appearance changes.

Other Changes/Fixes
– Added new attic helmets
– Fixed Iberian reformed unit missing from their reform entires.
– Disabled new Reform the Line ability while embarked.
– Changed Magna Graecia secured event text to better match possible situations where Rome is at peace with that region.
– Fixed some special temples missing sanitation bonus.
– Added new shoeless Celtic trouser models.
– Added retextured wolf/sheep mantles (Thanks Summary!)
– Added longsword scabbard models (thanks SMS!)
– Fixed British slinger spearmen missing concentrated fire ability.
– Fixed British slingers having the wrong shield entry.
– Changed Rome starting building from industry to sanitation.
– Fixed mispelled Rhodes faction effect bundle title.
– Removed largest ship types from pirate rosters.
– Changed Scordisci archers to 3rd class
– Increased trade bonus from silk/amber road region effects.
– Changed Belgic regions to be the proper auxilia settings (rather than alpine/celtic) – new campaign only
– Changed Iweriu and Caledone faction traits
– Fixed various barbarian model shoulder/chest clipping
– Fixed many standard bearer models
– Changed starting culture in Latium to be slightly Latin dominant.
– Changed starting Ligurian building to barracks.
– Reviewed all shields for consistent appearance and statistics.
– Changed Gallic army traditions to Formidable Spearmen and Cavalry Masters
– Adjusted non playable British unit weapon stats to be more in line with playable versions
– New shock spear unit strength/weakness text entry
– Adjustments to some Armenian unit appearances.
– Adjustments to Thessalian cav stat and unit appearances.
– Changed arabian pirates to the right culture (new campaign only)

– Summary for many UI elements and new models!
– Skillfultree for various UI and model additions!
– Litharion for all the supply overhaul changes, as always huge thanks!
– Swaraj for the Mauryan overhaul and reform script changes!
– Sheep cloaks from GAC
– Q/CEMMEN for Iberians, AOR/Merc, Naval and a ton of other stuff. Always awesome work.
– Benjin for the cothon port model!
– KAM for the Baktrian overhaul and battle updates.

Iweriu Roster Overview

The Iweriu

Iweriu is the proto-Indo-European name from which Éire in modern Irish derives and is believed to have been a Gaelic matron goddess of the island’s sovereignty. One theory states that Her name is tied to fertility and Iweriu could mean “abundant land.” The island was shrouded in mystery for the earliest classical writers, some making sensationalist claims about wild barbarian practices such as ritual cannibalism and incest; or, that while growing grain is hard due to the harsh climate, “grass grows so richly that cattle burst if unrestrained from eating it.”

Iweriu tribes such as the Eblani, Iverni, and Coriondi were prolific ringfort builders, famed metalworkers and traded extensively with continental Europe and the British mainland. This trade continued and flourished during the Roman conquest of Britannia. While evidence suggests Rome briefly considered invading Hibernia also, the island remained free and sovereign until Roman decline and exodus from the Isles many centuries later.

As a faction lacking in heavy armor and cavalry, their focus is primarily about skirmishing and raiding with excellent javelin units who can make a good account of themselves in melee as well. They also possess decent options for shock infantry and many units adept at using terrain to their advantage to catch their enemies off guard.

Divide et Impera 1.3 Released!

Divide et Impera 1.3 Overview

After half a year of work and testing, we are happy to announce our latest update to the mod! Many of you have probably already seen some of the previews posted here and we are all very proud of the team’s work over the autumn and winter. This update includes an overhauled Grand Campaign with many new features, an expansive Barbarian overhaul for many factions, reorganization and rebalancing of the character skills and traits systems, battle updates and much, much more! Thanks to everyone who helped to test and give feedback over these months, we all appreciate it!

You can head over to our Download Page to get the latest update. Steam will update automatically. It is save compatible. We will be working on submods as we can, please be aware some Steam submods have moved to new locations. 

Patch Notes

New Grand Campaign Overhaul
– Completely redone grand campaign from the bottom up!
– New Building Slots – Every region now has either 4 or 6 slots available.
– New Starting Buildings – Updated and added various new starting buildings, all factions now start with a barracks for better AI recruitment.
– New Wonder Buildings that represent the various regional world wonders.
– Return of the Roman Families – Rome’s political parties are now the families again!
– New Culture – Numidian – Found in Western Africa.
– New Starting Characters/Family Trees – New royal families and historical characters.
– New Starting Diplomacy/Situations – Lots of new situations for starting factions.
– Extra Moddability – The startpos kit files are available in our TWC submod forum for submodders and going forward we have a lot more options for the main mod as well!

Barbarian Overhaul from Q_Sertorius and CEMN
– Massive overhaul of most barbarian rosters that focuses each faction on specific advantages and disadvantages, updates all the visuals, trims various rosters and redoes the barbarian factions into more coherent options.
– Updated unit cards (thanks Summary!), visuals, stats, descriptions, names, reforms, etc. Too much to detail in these notes!
– Overhauled factions include Arverni, Galatia, Boii, Scordisci, Iceni, Caledones, Iweriu, Suebi, Lugii, Ardiaei and Cimbri.
– Odryssia has also been added to this overhaul from KAM.
– Huge thanks to Q and CEMN for the tireless efforts for many months doing all the tough work and testing on this massive endeavor!

Skills, Traditions, Ancillaries & Traits Overhaul
– Incorporated the great work of Q_Sertorius with re-organizing the structure and effects for the character skill trees to add trade offs and better options. Most skills have either been redone or been moved in the trees.
– Reworked various tradition and ancillary effects to be more balanced and add more specific choice for the player.
– Character traits have been heavily redone. Most traits have had their effects trimmed down by a large margin to get rid of the effect spam. Personality and background traits now have trade offs and matter a lot more.
– Faction Leader effects now apply even when the leader is not in the capital. New effects have been added to better go with the various trait types.

Battle Changes
– Added new “Reform the Line!” ability for infantry with special formations
– Tweaks to morale thresholds for specific status like confident/wavering/broken
– Adjustments to phalanx units
– Fixed stats of Marian and Imperial cavalry
– Fixed cavalry stats when dismounted
– Lowered iphicratean javelin damage
– Fixed numerous disciplined attributes on units
– Changed minimum ranks for infantry from 7 to 6
– Slightly adjusted spotting distance in open terrain
– Minor tweaks to ranged/melee damage

Loyalty Changes & New Government Technology effects
– Lowered loyalty bonus from empire government type.
– Loyalty negatives from imperium begin earlier and are slightly worse.
– Lower loyalty from early political ranks.
– Added positive and negative loyalty effects based on tax level in a province.
– Various philosophy and economy technologies now have effects based on certain government types for specific cultures.
– Barbarian cultures have a tech that reduces upkeep when they are a tribal confederation.
– Ptolemies, Seleucids, Baktria, Pontus and Eastern factions have a late tech that adds recruitment slots when they are a kingdom.
– Greek factions, Rome and Carthage have military techs that lower loyalty as a Republic but a philosophy tech that increases it as a Republic.
– All factions have late technologies that improve happiness and slave unrest as Empires.

Major Changes
– Campaign performance should be improved due to script changes that have reduced some turn and load times.
– New Graphical overlay map for the campaign to better represent province, city and road locations thanks to Summary!
– Added new Pirate factions for Arabia, Illyria, Britannia, Germania, Cicilia, Thrace, Pontus and Carthage. Added new pirate spawns thanks to Q for use of his submod!
– Fixed a battle crash when fighting the Carnute faction
– Updated General appearances for over 60 emergent factions.
– Changed Faction leader effect to always be on rather than be dependent on faction leader being in capital. Changed effect types from generic good/bad to more specific ones.
– Reduced resource production from main city building lines.
– Grain resource buildings now produce supplies.
– Enabled dignitaries for the AI only on hard+ difficulties.
– Made the “Brawler” Trait easier to increase. Made Triumphs and Triumph trait progression from the Education/background trait slightly easier to achieve
– All factions can now achieve victory conditions of region ownership if area is controlled by a client or vassal. Excluded spice from victory condition requirements.
– Increased base foreign pop settlers and slightly lowered negative from culture.
– New culture icons and updated faction flags from Jake.
– Added levy tier designation in unit strength/weakness details panel to help distinguish which units benefit from levy only effects.
– Overhauled visuals for most late Seleucid units and Bronze shield units.
– Rebalanced major city variants to offer more variation and choice between the three options and lower overall income modification from higher tiers.

Other Fixes/Changes
– Fixed Rhodes campaign select faction trait text
– Fixed Pontus unique library having 2 tech requirements
– Fixed Colony factions missing access to Athens special port.
– Moved Chalybes AOR unit to Caucasia.
– Changed some incorrect effects for slave forum building chains.
– Reduced effect of Befriend Gallic Chieftains tech in CiG campaign.
– Changed some effects for Bosporan tier 5 unique buildings to better match their chains.
– Fixed HaTG and CiG Massalia missing resource buildings.
– Immigrant chain buildings now use slightly less food but produce slightly more foreign culture.
– Increased speed for Cimbri Wolf Warriors
– Fixed Geometer ancillary not always working.
– Fixed Saba levy unit missing from recruitment for campaign
– Fixed one loading screen, added 2 others
– Changed naval recruitment points effect to be visible.
– Changed shield value for Meroe pikemen
– Fixed tier 2 Armenian temple having wrong upkeep value
– Fixed wrong unit requirement for chapter 7 ardiaei chapter mission
– Fixed Carthage mercenary barracks having wrong t4 effect, added silver required text.
– Changed Massalia special port to be named Lacydon.
– Fixed Carthage/egypt tower ships missing towers
– Fixed 2 Cimbri shield wall units having expert charge defense
– Changed Arabian camel spearmen to 3rd class.
– Fixed Dart throwers being wrong AOR class for greek factions.
– Fixed some Ardiaei reform units not being properly hidden
– Fixed tier 2 colony barracks having wrong tech requirements
– Fixed fire arrows for longbows having wrong damage
– Fixed Levy hoplites recruitment missing from some minor town building types.
– Changed Pontos to greek supply units to fix recruitment issues.
– Slightly bumped up some region growth rates for historically fertile areas.
– Changed Alalia to have more industiral potential from its region effect.
– Fixed Assault Tetreres ships missing from tier 3 large military ports.
– Fixed barbarian olive town having wrong sanitation effects.
– Fixed some Roman spear auxiliaries missing from roman unit sets (effects were not being applied to them properly)
– Increased Belgian AI recruitment priorites for cavalry.
– Changed Boii faction trait to be morale against Germans rather than Romans
– Fixed Scythian morale trait not properly working
– Fixed tier 4 Athens port missing squalor effect and supply effects
– Fixed bugged animation entry for Marcomanni unit.
– Higher tier Carthage and Alexandria ports provide extra naval recruitment slots.
– Moved Indian veteran spear unit to tier 2 barracks
– Moved Custom Battle Dart Slingers from Syracuse to Macedon roster
– Fixed incorrect name for Commercial Massalia when occupied by Romans.
– Removed Qunquireme from Sparta custom battle roster.
– Moved champion unlock earlier for Pontus in the tech tree.
– Reduced tax negatives for Raetia et Noricum region effects a bit, previously they would stack to cause 0 income.
– Fixed barbarian tier 4 tribal city building missing squalor effect
– Fixed some agent and barbarian background traits not being applied to characters.
– Changed some chapter mission settings for Arverni, Macedon and Seleucid
– Changed political party names for Lugii to match new barb roster revisions (thanks Q!)
– Fixed IA Petra having wrong city culture type (new campaign only)
– Changed Barbarian great hall to have negative food rather than squalor. Slightly reduced PO negative.
– Added cultural conversion to tier 2 Melqart Carthage temple.
– Added AOR Tarantine cav unit to Epirus custom battle roster.
– Fixed Bosporan Lancers missing shoes.
– Changed Hispania Arse region to have positive industrial region effect
– Changed RoR Veneti to have celtic culture (new campaign only)
– Renamed “Carthage in Syracuse” event
– Fixed “Rome Secures Magana Graecia” message sometimes firing after Rome is destroyed.
– Removed Indian elephants from normal Hellenic barracks.
– Fixed bugged vanilla effect text for marriage loyalty
– Fixed Lugii missing chapter 8 mission description
– Added 3/4 class pop growth to Carthage mercenary barracks.
– Removed snipe/stalk from all non-Numidian cavalry
– Fixed bugged civil wars for various custom playables in DLC campaigns.
– Changed throwing axe graphical impact size.
– Added Greek biremes and triremes to Thracian rosters.
– Fixed Greek colony factions missing permissions for Athens special port.
– New standards for Armenia, thanks skillfultree!
– Fixed merc iberian champ shield entry
– Changed Arabian Levy spear to 300 men
– Switched bow entries for Arabian archer spearmen and Sabaean archers.
– Added seasonal requirements for floods & fires.
– Added factional mercenary for Suebi
– Fixed cappadocian cavalry appearance
– Fixed wrong armour entry on Xystophoroi
– Fixed speed entry of Parthian axemen
– Updated color scheme of Parthian faction
– Fixed vanilla bug with Armenian technologies
– Fixed bugged food consumption effects for various horse building chains

– Q_Sertorius for all the crazy hard work for months on large portions of this update. Attention to detail and work ethic second to none!
– CEMN for tirelessly working on all the great visual updates and continually addressing all the little issues that pop up there!
– KAM for all his work at all times
– Jake for the great icon and flag work yet again
– Summary for the amazing unit card work and the map, top notch!
– Skillfultree for use of the Armenian flags!
– TheCzarsHussar for lots of model editing work, thanks a ton!