Epeiros Unit Roster
Infantry Units
Epirotoi Haploi (Epirote Levies) A mixture of local Illyrian tribes and various Molossian and Thesprotian troops, these light infantry levies bring both axe and sword to battle. Class: 3 Size: 300 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
26 | 7 | 3 | 8 | 39 | 18/13 | 4/75 | 13/2 | 85 | 1 |
Epirotoi Doryphoroi (Epirote Spearmen) Along with the Epirote tribes, local Illyrian and Celtic forces often join to support the core units on the field. Class: 3 Size: 300 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
16 | 6 | 8 | 8 | 39 | 20/3 | 4/75 | 13/2 | 85 | 1 |
Thureophoroi (Thureos Spears) These well-trained warriors are a flexible force of skirmishing spearmen. Class: 3 Size: 300 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
18 | 7 | 10 | 20 | 43 | 22/4 | 7/65 | 13/2 | 85 | 1 |
Agrianikoi Pelekophoroi (Agrianian Assault Infantry) The Agrianians are an Illyrian tribe that has many Thracian influences. Most now live in northern Macedonia, where they are actively recruited. Class: 2 Size: 200 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
30 | 11 | 5 | 20 | 49 | 20/15 | 7/65 | 13/3 | 85 | 2 |
Agrianoi Peltastai (Agrianian Peltasts) A force of highly mobile axemen always gives a general a useful cutting edge. Class: 3 Size: 175 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
28 | 9 | 4 | 8 | 35 | 19/14 | 7/65 | 15/7 | 90 | 6 |
Thesprotoi Pheraspides (Thesprotian Infantry) The Thesprotians are one of most important tribes of Epirus. These elite Pheraspides are agile troops, capable of throwing javelins and fighting at close range with a hoplon and kopis. They are a powerful asset for any Epirote army. Class: 2 Size: 200 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
21 | 15 | 5 | 20 | 46 | 30/2 | 5/70 | 13/3 | 85 | 1 |
Thureophoroi Euzonoi (Thureos Swordsmen) These warriors are a flexible force, able to throw javelins from afar and quickly go into melee after. Class: 3 Size: 300 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
13 | 9 | 7 | 8 | 43 | 23/3 | 7/65 | 15/5 | 80 | 3 |
Epirotoi Ekdromoi Hoplitai (Epirote Light Hoplites) Discipline is needed to carry a spear and bear a shield, but these hoplites also possess mobility. Class: 2 Size: 200 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
19 | 8 | 11 | 10 | 43 | 22/5 | 4/65 | -/- | – | 0 |
Epistratoi Hoplitai (Levy Hoplites) Any honest citizen can take up the shield and answer to the name of hoplite. Class: 3 Size: 200 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
16 | 6 | 8 | 15 | 36 | 20/3 | 4/65 | -/- | – | 0 |
Epirotoi Hoplitai (Epirote Hoplites) Hoplites: no other word says Greeks at war in quite the same way. Class: 2 Size: 200 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
18 | 7 | 10 | 30 | 43 | 22/4 | 5/70 | -/- | – | 0 |
Basilikoi Molossoi Hypaspistai (Molossian Royal Guard) These men are traditionally recruited from the most valiant of the Molossian tribe. Equipped with hoplon and kopis, these men are deadly on the battlefield and have proven many times their prowess in battle. They have many similarities with the Hypaspists, and every Epirote army must include them. Class: 1 Size: 200 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
21 | 9 | 14 | 35 | 49 | 26/4 | 5/70 | -/- | – | 0 |
Chalkaspides Phalangitai (Greek Bronze Shield Pikemen) A frontline phalanx of pikemen, the bronze shields are modelled on their hoplite forebears and, subsequently, the Alexandrian pike reforms. Their most distinctive feature, and the one which gives them their name, is their bronze shield, emblazoned with the name of their king. Class: 2 Size: 256 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
19 | 9 | 6 | 35 | 46 | 25/1 | 6/50 | -/- | – | 0 |
Missile Units
Psiloi Akontistai (Greek Javelinmen) Lightly armed javelinmen, intended to harass and disrupt the enemy battle line. Class: 3 Size: 175 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
8 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 30 | 16/1 | 2/30 | 15/6 | 85 | 6 |
Psiloi Toxotai (Greek Archers) Archers are ideal for harassing the enemy from afar, and goading them into foolish action. Class: 3 Size: 175 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
8 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 30 | 16/1 | 0/15 | 12/3 | 165 | 15 |
Psiloi Sphendonetai (Greek Slingers) Witty slingers, and all Greeks have wit, often scratch OUCH! onto their shots. Class: 3 Size: 175 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
8 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 30 | 16/1 | 4/40 | 5/6 | 190 | 20 |
Peltastai (Peltasts) These javelin-armed light infantry are used to harass slower, heavier enemy units. Class: 2 Size: 175 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
13 | 9 | 7 | 30 | 39 | 23/3 | 7/65 | 15/7 | 90 | 6 |
Cavalry Units
Hippakontistai (Greek Javelin Cavalry) These speedy, light cavalrymen can do good service in harrying the enemy. Class: 2 Size: 120 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
36 | 9 | 4 | 4 | 33 | 30/3 | 2/30 | 15/6 | 85 | 6 |
Thureophoroi Prodromoi (Thureos Cavalry) These mercenary soldiers are wealthy enough to be able to afford horses. While not the heaviest cavalry, they are mobile and carry javelins which allow them to harass nearby enemy formations. Class: 2 Size: 120 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
36 | 9 | 4 | 18 | 39 | 30/3 | 6/55 | 15/6 | 85 | 6 |
Thessaloi Hippeis (Thessalian Cavalry) These superb heavy horsemen can smash through most opposition on their first charge. Class: 2 Size: 100 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
57 | 13 | 5 | 28 | 46 | 28/4 | 0/15 | -/- | – | 0 |
Tarantinoi Hippeis (Tarantine Cavalry) These light cavalrymen armed with javelins are rightly held in high regard for their skills. Class: 2 Size: 120 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
47 | 8 | 7 | 28 | 43 | 26/5 | 4/45 | 13/7 | 30 | 4 |
Sarissaphoroi (Sarissa Lancers) These lancers use a much longer spear than most horsemen, almost the length of a pike. Class: 2 Size: 120 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
63 | 12 | 4 | 11 | 39 | 28/4 | 0/15 | -/- | – | 0 |
Epirotoi Hippeis (Epirote Citizen Cavalry) The horse-owning rich have the same rights to defend their homes as lesser men in the phalanx. Class: 2 Size: 100 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
47 | 8 | 7 | 33 | 43 | 26/5 | 6/55 | -/- | – | 0 |
Molosson Neoagema (Sacred Squadron) The elite guard cavalry unit of the Molossians: the original companion cavalry developed into a more flexible force in later times, rather than relying solely on lance shock tactics. Class: 1 Size: 100 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
50 | 10 | 11 | 41 | 52 | 27/5 | 6/55 | -/- | – | 0 |
Philoi Hippeis (Royal Heavy Cavalry) An honor reserved for friends and advisors to the king, these men were the personal choice of the sovereign to stand at the army’s head. Class: 1 Size: 100 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
48 | 9 | 9 | 38 | 52 | 26/5 | 6/55 | -/- | – | 0 |
Molosson Agema Hippeis (Royal Guard Cavalry) These cavalrymen know themselves to be heroes to a man, and always act appropriately. Class: 1 Size: 100 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
60 | 15 | 6 | 38 | 52 | 29/4 | 0/15 | -/- | – | 0 |
Thureos Reforms
Agema Chaonon (Chaonian Guard) The Chaonians claim that their royal house is of Trojan descent, asserting ancestry through the eponymous hero Chaon, who gave his name to their city Chaonia. These men are some of the best phalangites in the world, comparable to the argyraspides and pezhetairoi. Class: 1 Size: 256 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
22 | 12 | 8 | 38 | 52 | 27/1 | 6/50 | -/- | – | 0 |
Thorax Reforms
Thorakitai Doriphoroi (Thorax Spearmen) These warriors are the first line of an army, strong in defence against cavalry with their spears. Class: 2 Size: 200 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
19 | 8 | 12 | 38 | 49 | 24/4 | 8/70 | -/- | – | 0 |
Thesprotoi Thorakitai Pheraspidai (Thesprotian Thorax Infantry) The Thessprotians are one of most important tribes of Epirus. These elite Pheraspidai are agile troops, capable of throwing javelins and fighting at close range. They are a powerful asset for any Epirote army. Class: 2 Size: 200 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
18 | 16 | 4 | 38 | 49 | 25/4 | 8/70 | 13/3 | 85 | 1 |
Thorakitai Chalkaspides (Thorax Bronze Shield Pikes) A phalanx armed with long pikes presents a formidable threat to any battle line, especially a phalanx as revered as the Chalkaspides. Class: 2 Size: 256 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
21 | 11 | 7 | 38 | 46 | 26/1 | 6/50 | -/- | – | 0 |
Epirotoi Thorakitai Hippeis (Epirote Thorax Cavalry) These mail-clad cavalrymen are well able to handle themselves in the cut-and-thrust of melee. Class: 2 Size: 100 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale | Melee Dmg/AP | Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
51 | 10 | 10 | 45 | 46 | 27/5 | 6/55 | -/- | – | 0 |