Getae Unit Roster
Infantry Units
Getikoi Lonchophoroi (Getic Spearmen) Peasant levies are used as simple spearmen, given a simple light spear usable for defence and to sustain attacks. Like the Atecti of the nearby Celts, they are posted at the rearguard, to protect the baggage train and assist better troops in labour duties. The komatai, literally haired, are called as such to differentiate them from the Tarabostes, those who bear a cap, the symbol of their status. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
16 | 6 | 8 | 1 | 34 | 20/3 | 4/40 | 12/3 | 80 | 3 |
Epilektoi Taraboi Lonchophoroi (Noble Getic Spearmen) The Lancia, the Celtic three-meter-long spear, is also used by some chosen foot units. Their secondary weapon is, as always, the sica. They are well-protected, skilled and sturdy, aged and proven warriors, forming the wings of the army. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
26 | 12 | 7 | 25 | 45 | 23/6 | 7/65 | -/- | – | 0 |
Komatai Euzonoi (Getic Sica Skirmishers) These men are recruited from the peasantry to fight as agile light infantry, able to skirmish with their javelins before closing into melee, where they can be deceptively effective due to the curved blade of their deadly sicas. The sica was originally a tool used by peasants for harvesting, but was developed into a proper weapon and was one of the main melee weapons by used by Dacian, Illyrian, and Thracian tribes. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
19 | 7 | 1 | 8 | 39 | 19/6 | 6/50 | 12/3 | 80 | 3 |
Epilektoi Getikoi Sikeiaphoroi (Chosen Getic Sica Bearers) They are not given helmets, but these troops do wear a light and flexible composite leather jacket reinforced with bronze pieces. They are an affordable elite unit, although less powerful in attack than swordsmen, but still very agile and highly skilled in close combat. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
22 | 11 | 3 | 10 | 44 | 23/7 | 7/65 | 13/3 | 85 | 1 |
Getikoi Drapanophoroi (Getic Falxmen) The rhomphaia or falx is a powerful weapon, as Roman legionaries would learn as it could cut through chainmail as well as plate. The Drapanai are not protected at all, mostly to facilitate freedom of movement. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
33 | 15 | 4 | 8 | 46 | 25/11 | 0/15 | -/- | – | 0 |
Komatai Lonchophoroi (Getic Retinue Spearmen) The Komatai soldiers of the Getae tribe are disciplined warriors who fight in organized formations, using long spears and large shields. Unlike typical tribal fighters, they form tight shield walls, similar to a phalanx, providing strong defense while their spears strike from behind the shield line. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
18 | 7 | 10 | 20 | 43 | 22/4 | 7/65 | -/- | – | 0 |
Epilektoi Taraboi Pezoi (Getic Foot Guards) These infantrymen are foot guard, recruited among the best by their prince. They guarantee a strong anchor when a line is wavering. Their visage, superior morale, and impressive fortitude strikes fear into the enemy. They are armed with both the spear and sica or Greek machaira for close combat. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
19 | 8 | 12 | 35 | 49 | 24/4 | 7/65 | -/- | – | 0 |
Missile Units
Komatai Akontistai (Getic Youths) As among the Celts, Dacian skirmishers are young men with little experience of war, equipped with light wicker and leather shields, a bunch of javelins, and a club for close combat. They rely first on their agility to survive far beyond their own lines. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
18 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 30 | 14/15 | 6/50 | 15/6 | 85 | 6 |
Getikoi Sphendonetai (Getic Slingers) These slingers are recruited as auxiliaries among local shepherds, and are lightly equipped. They are hardly protected against missiles, but they are cheap and relatively accurate, just as deadly as skilled archers, and are usually posted with the long-range javelineers. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
8 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 30 | 16/1 | 4/40 | 4/5 | 165 | 20 |
Getikoi Toxotai (Getic Bowmen) The wide and deep forests of Dacia are great training grounds for skilled hunters. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
10 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 30 | 18/1 | 0/15 | 12/3 | 165 | 15 |
Cavalry Units
Getikoi Hippakontistai (Getic Scout Riders) These light cavalrymen are Komatai horsemen, weatlhy enough to afford a horse. They are numerous and form the levied part of the cavalry, largely overwhelming regular Tarabostes units. They bear a light composite shield and perform mostly support skirmish actions and scouting, as they are totally unprotected, counting on their horsemanship and agility. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
37 | 8 | 3 | 4 | 36 | 18/12 | 4/45 | 15/5 | 80 | 8 |
Getikoi Hippeis (Getic Horsemen) These horsemen are lesser nobles possessing horses. They form the bulk of the cavalry, displayed in large squadrons for scouting, harrassing, reinforcing the army, and chasing routed units. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
47 | 8 | 7 | 23 | 43 | 26/5 | 4/45 | 13/4 | 75 | 3 |
Epilektoi Taraboi Hippeis (Getic Noble Cavalry) The Getae Noble cavalry clad in heavy scale armor, relies on hit-and-run tactics, using javelins to harass enemies from a distance. When needed, they close in for close combat with their swords. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
38 | 11 | 6 | 38 | 49 | 31/3 | 0/15 | 15/6 | 85 | 4 |
Getikoi Hippotoxotai (Getic Horse Archers) Forged through relentless warfare against the Scythians, these riders had to adapt the art of mounted archery, combining agility and precision on horseback. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
30 | 7 | 2 | 4 | 34 | 27/1 | 0/15 | 11/4 | 140 | 15 |
Basilikoi Taraboi Hippeis (Royal Getic Cavalry) These horsemen form the elite cavalry of the Getic kingdom. They wear superior quality scale armour and various helmets with locally distinct shapes, heavily decorated, often with bronze, gold, and iron pieces. They wield javelins and high quality longswords, roughly comparable to the Scythian models. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
40 | 13 | 8 | 38 | 50 | 32/3 | 0/15 | 15/6 | 85 | 4 |
Reform Units
Getici Hastati (Late) (Late Getic Spearmen) The levy spearmen of the Getae tribe are hastily raised warriors, armed with spears and large shields. Unlike more seasoned soldiers, they lack discipline and fight in a loose, unorganized manner. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
18 | 7 | 10 | 8 | 36 | 22/4 | 7/65 | 13/2 | 85 | 3 |
Komatai Lonchophoroi (Late) (Late Getic Retinue Spearmen) The Komatai soldiers of the Getae tribe are disciplined warriors who fight in organized formations, wielding long spears and large shields. They employ tight shield wall tactics, using their spears to strike over the top while maintaining a strong defensive line. Unlike most tribal warriors, they wear mail and scale armor, providing enhanced protection without sacrificing mobility. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
18 | 7 | 10 | 30 | 44 | 22/4 | 8/70 | -/- | – | 0 |
Hastati Tarabostae (Late) (Late Noble Getic Spearmen) The Tarabostes spearmen of the Getae tribe are elite warriors. Clad in heavy armor, often consisting of mail or scale, and reinforced helmets, they are well-protected on the battlefield. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
29 | 14 | 8 | 38 | 47 | 25/6 | 9/70 | -/- | – | 0 |
Pedites Getici Loricati (Late) (Heavy Getic Assault Infantry) Most of these warriors have excellent state equipped arms and armor, typically chainmail and a sica, axe, or sword. However, many bring their own equipment according to preference, including trophies taken from slain enemies. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
24 | 13 | 4 | 38 | 49 | 25/7 | 8/70 | -/- | – | 0 |
Pedites Tarabostae (Late) (Late Getic Foot Guards) Disciplined, heavily armoured and fierce, these Foot Guards will protect their commander with determination. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
21 | 9 | 14 | 38 | 52 | 26/4 | 8/70 | -/- | – | 0 |
Epilektoii Drapanophoroi (Late) (Chosen Getic Falxmen) The chosen Dacian falxmen are elite warriors known for wielding the deadly falx. Though they wear some light armor, such as leather or scale, they prioritize agility on the battlefield. Their speed and skill allow them to outmaneuver heavily armored opponents, delivering swift and powerful strikes that make them a fearsome force in close combat. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
36 | 17 | 5 | 25 | 54 | 25/13 | 0/15 | -/- | – | 0 |
Dacii Sagitarii (Late) (Late Getic Archers) Excellent ambushers, Dacian archers play a great part in any local skirmish against advancing enemy and if needed, they can even seize a spear to defend themselves against any light cavalry, but can be easily routed as well by a heavy cavalry charge. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
16 | 6 | 8 | 8 | 32 | 20/3 | 0/15 | 12/3 | 165 | 15 |
Sarmato-Dacii Sagitarii (Late) (Sarmato-Dacian Elite Archers) Historically appearing during the Dacian wars, these heavy foot archers are used mostly because of the rugged landscape of Dacia, preventing the use of cavary most of the time. They wear of course the typical Sarmatian spangenhelms and scaled armour, and are probably dismounted nobles or a chosen elite. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
18 | 11 | 3 | 30 | 41 | 26/2 | 0/15 | 13/3 | 175 | 15 |
Daci-Sarmatae Cataphracti (Late) (Late Sarmato-Dacian Cataphracts) The Sarmatian cataphracts in service of Getae warlords are heavily armored cavalry, renowned for their versatility and formidable presence on the battlefield. Both the rider and horse are encased in thick armor. These elite warriors are skilled in the use of both bows and lances. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
59 | 10 | 8 | 47 | 49 | 18/12 | 0/15 | 11/5 | 150 | 15 |
Equites Tarabostae Regii (Late) (Late Royal Getic Cavalry) These Dacian Tarabostes are a royal elite, following their devastating charge with furious melee skills. The added weight of their horses and armour makes them as impressive as any eastern noble cavalry, with their tremendous shock. Late Dacian royal cavalry is to be true, one of the most impressive in the western world. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
50 | 10 | 11 | 45 | 52 | 27/5 | 6/55 | 13/4 | 75 | 2 |
Equites Tarabostae (Late) (Late Getic Noble Cavalry) The late Getae cavalry are heavily armored horsemen, skilled in melee combat. Armed with spears and shields, they throw javelins at the enemy before launching a devastating charge. Clad in heavy armor, often made of mail or scale, they are formidable shock troops. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
50 | 10 | 11 | 41 | 52 | 27/5 | 6/55 | 13/4 | 75 | 2 |