Masaesyli Unit Roster

Infantry Units

Dorkim Numidim

Dorkim Numidim (Numidian Spearmen) Numidian infantry may not be as reliable as the heavy infantry of other countries, but they will suffice. They are armed with a spear and a leather-covered wicker shield. Though they are ill-disciplined, these spearmen are capable of fighting in ordered ranks.
Class: 3 Size: 300
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
18 7 10 10 43 22/4 7/65 -/- 0


Mashliyim Aanatim Mookdamim

Mashliyim Aanatim Mookdamim (Numidian Guard) Heavily protected, these warriors, chosen from the most seasoned and brave, are unimpeachable veterans who generally form the general’s foot-guard. They count on their spears to stop any enemy charge and are perfectly protected thanks to their scale armour and a large composite shield.
Class: 1 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
21 9 14 30 49 26/4 7/65 13/3 85 1


Mashliyim Noshei-Romah

Mashliyim Noshei-Romah (Numidian Swordsmen) Numidian infantry may not be as reliable as the heavy infantry of other countries, but they will suffice. These men have some experience in combat, and have been equipped and trained with armaments including large leather Thureos shields, swords and throwing spears. They wear tall conical helms characteristic of Numidia and simple loose tunics which are common across Northwest Africa at this time.
Class: 3 Size: 300
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
13 9 7 1 46 23/3 7/65 13/3 85 1


Missile Units

Mashliyim Qala'im

Mashliyim Qala’im (Numidian Slingers) Numidian slingers come from the shepherd nomads who use their slings to protect their herds from predators. They’re quite skilled with their slings, which truly are deceptively simple weapons.
Class: 3 Size: 175
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
10 5 2 1 32 18/1 0/15 5/6 190 20


Mashliyim Kasatim

Mashliyim Kasatim (Numidian Archers) The Numidians are primarily guerrilla fighters, as their inner lands, in the low ridges of the Atlas Mountains, are appropriate for this kind of warfare. But poor mountaineers are mostly slingers and javelineers; archers are more rare, as their equipment and training is better by far. These are former hunters recruited to serve in the Numidian royal army.
Class: 3 Size: 175
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
8 3 1 1 30 16/1 0/15 13/3 175 15


Mashliyim Bahhur Haneet

Mashliyim Bahhur Haneet (Numidian Skirmishers) These skirmishers are recruited from nomadic tribes who owe their survival only to their skills with thrown weapons. It is better to keep them away from the enemy: their daggers are more effective at skinning game than killing an enemy, and a small shield is their only protection.
Class: 3 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
10 5 2 1 32 18/1 2/30 15/6 85 6


Mashliyim Aanatim

Mashliyim Aanatim (Numidian Peltasts) These professional troops consist of individuals from more affluent ranks of Numidian society. They are skirmishers with javelins, but carry much better equipment than most, including bronze armour or scales, a oval shield, and a high-quality sword.
Class: 2 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
13 9 7 20 39 23/3 7/65 15/7 90 6


Mashliyim Aanatim Hafkafa

Mashliyim Aanatim Hafkafa (Numidian Elite Peltasts) These professional infantrymen are chosen from the best experienced skirmishers; they wield a sword and several iron javelins, and wear scale or bronze armour and a helmet. These well-equipped experienced warriors can act as medium infantry and fight in close combat as well.
Class: 2 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
15 10 9 25 44 25/3 7/65 15/8 95 6


Cavalry Units

Mashliyim Mitnag'him Parashim

Mashliyim Mitnag’him Parashim (Numidian Skirmisher Cavalry) These horsemen drown the opponent in a rain of javelins and then withdraw quickly before any counterattack. Maneuvering with the grace of a flight of birds. Numidian horsemen have acquired great skill in their rough homeland, and they excel in the so-called Cantabrian Circle tactic.
Class: 3 Size: 120
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
38 11 6 4 43 31/3 2/35 15/6 85 9


Mashliyim Parashim

Mashliyim Parashim (Numidian Medium Cavalry) Numidian cavalry is famous throughout Africa, and it would become known throughout Europe as well. More experienced, older, and richer than the light cavalrymen, these riders enjoy better protection with leather armour and a larger wood and wicker shield. They wield a sword for use in melee as well.
Class: 2 Size: 120
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
40 13 8 18 46 32/3 2/35 15/7 90 9


Mashliyim HaParashim

Mashliyim HaParashim (Numidian Heavy Cavalry) The vast majority of the cavalry are rugged peasants, excellent riders, but of modest means. With experience and enrichment through campaigns, they can afford better equipment and fight in melee if necessary. The veterans of many campaigns can afford excellent equipment, and the officers who lead them have the very best.
Class: 2 Size: 120
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
40 13 8 38 49 32/3 4/45 13/4 75 1


Mashliyim Mepaqed

Mashliyim Mepaqed (Numidian Noble Cavalry) These bodyguard cavalrymen come from the African nobility of the many Numidian tribes and are equipped with good armour, a sword, javelins, a shield, and a high-quality helmet. They fight well as long as they are led by a capable general and show their prowess in the long tradition of African skirmishing cavalry.
Class: 1 Size: 120
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
40 13 8 33 52 32/3 4/45 15/8 95 9


Mnara Tembo

Mnara Tembo (African War Elephants) War elephants are fierce and terrible beasts, able to trample men and horses into the dirt. They have towers fastened on their backs, which serve to hold contingents of warriors armed with javelins.
Class: 1 Size: 44
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
45 6 4 4 36 17/5 0/30 16/8 90 21



Pilim (African Elephants) Freshly captured and herded into battle, these beasts are not to be relied upon, but only a fool would not fear their charge!
Class: 3 Size: 18
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
45 6 4 4 33 17/5 0/30 -/- 0


Marian Reforms

Mashliyim Dorkim Aloophim

Mashliyim Dorkim Aloophim (Numidian Legionaries) Numidian legionaries are local imitations of Roman soldiers who lack the legendary discipline of their Italian counterparts. However, they have had training from Roman advisors, and this makes them the best trained amongst the Numidian soldiery. They fight in the same fashion as the Romans, first throwing heavy ‘pila’ spears at the enemy and then closing for hand-to-hand combat.
Class: 2 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
15 10 9 35 49 25/3 7/65 13/3 85 1