Arevaci Unit Roster

Infantry Units

Iberi Milites

Iberi Milites (Arevaci Light Spearmen) These potters, cobblers, and farmers are levied when there is dire need for it. Recruited from all professions of Iberian society, they form a surprisingly reliable and versatile militia. As with many warriors in Iberia, they use the usual combination of javelin and spear to fight.
Class: 3 Size: 300
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
18 7 10 8 39 22/4 4/40 13/3 85 1



Retukenoi (Arevaci Medium Spearmen) The Retukenoi may not have the blue blood of their comrades, nor the swords and high-crested helmets, but they will still hold the line when asked, they will still pepper the enemy with javelins, and they will still run down and trample all those who seek to put a yoke on their people.
Class: 2 Size: 300
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
23 10 6 15 39 21/6 6/50 15/4 85 1



Dosidataskeli (Vasci Shock Spears) The Dosidataskeli are a unit of exceedingly heavily armed and armoured shock infantry that form the foot bodyguards of the Arevaci nobles. They first throw their soliferra in order to disrupt and kill enemy soldiers, and then they charge with their heavy spears and fight in melee until their enemy runs.
Class: 2 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
29 14 8 38 48 25/6 7/65 15/4 85 1



Bagaudas (Arevaci Shortswordsmen) Wearing nothing besides darkened clothing and perhaps a cloak while carrying only a small shield and simple shortsword, these men can move quickly and undetected through any terrain to lay ambushes. They might not be the most skilled swordsmen, and the shortsword is essentially a very long knife or dagger used by hunters and carried by many common people as a form of self defense. However, when set up correctly their spirited charge can be a decisive factor against unprepared enemies.
Class: 3 Size: 300
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
13 10 1 1 39 21/2 4/40 -/- 0


Iberi Uirodusios

Iberi Uirodusios (Arevaci Painted Warriors) The Uirodusios (Oo-row-doo-see-os; ‘Man-Demons’) fight in the ancient Celtic style, stripped nude but for his torc, anklets, and bangles, and sometimes a cloak. This has a few effects; it is unnerving to enemies, inspiring to friends, and also helps increase one’s fame, an important matter in Celtic warrior society.
Class: 2 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
18 16 4 1 54 25/4 4/40 15/4 85 1


Iberi Caetrati

Iberi Caetrati (Arevaci Light Infantry) Caetrati are a deceptive type of infantry. Able light troops, they can skirmish while softening their enemy before closing in for hand-to-hand combat. Four things contribute to this capability: their agility on the battlefield, their all-metal heavy javelins (soliferrum), the traditional Iberian ferocity, and their superb swordsmanship.
Class: 2 Size: 300
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
15 12 2 15 39 23/4 4/40 15/4 85 1



Mezukenoi (Arevaci Medium Skirmishers) These men, supported by the revenues from trade and the lands they have won for themselves, have the leisure time required to enable them to train to a standard which the Romans and Carthaginians would describe as professional. Armed with a Celtic longsword, a fistful of javelins, and a circular shield, these determined warriors pepper the enemy with projectiles before launching a spirited charge.
Class: 2 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
19 13 4 20 45 28/2 4/40 15/4 85 4



Moriuoroi (Arevaci Noble Spearmen) These noblemen will fight to the death to protect their oppida, social status and the honour and independence of their people with the legendary fanaticism of Iberians. As warriors, they’ve lead a life of constant low-intensity tribal warfare, but also quite familiar with marching abroad in large numbers to serve as mercenaries in the wars that regularly consume the Mediterranean.
Class: 1 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
21 9 14 35 51 26/4 7/65 15/4 85 1



Birikantinoi (Arevaci Champions) These champions stand as giants in their community, the envy of lesser men, the dreams of maidens and the idols of children. Their wealth allows them to equip themselves with the finest light armor, a terrifying Iberian sword, a beautifully decorated iron-bossed shield, and tall-plumed helmets, these men present an awesome sight on the battlefield.
Class: 1 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
21 14 9 25 51 28/4 4/40 15/4 85 1



Scutarii (Arevaci Scutarii Spearmen) These Iberian spearmen are referred to as Scutarii by the Romans because of their large oval shields. They are armed with the dreaded all-metal soliferrum javelin, a spear as their main weapon, and a short straight sword. They protect themselves with a combination of esparto, leather and bronze scale armour.
Class: 2 Size: 300
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
18 7 10 15 45 22/4 7/65 15/4 85 1


Missile Units

Iberi Funditores

Iberi Funditores (Arevaci Slingers) Armed only with their sling and a knife, these slingers are largely unprotected aside from their small wicker buckler. That makes them extremely vulnerable to any troops that can catch them in melee, and even light cavalry is likely to just run through them without breaking a sweat.
Class: 3 Size: 175
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
8 3 1 1 27 16/1 0/15 5/6 190 20



Neitotoi (Arevaci Neitos Skirmishers) The Neitotoi are composed of the best and strongest Celtiberian freemen, clad in light everyday garments for maximum agility. They train to hurl their javelins with tremendous force and can even ignite them to set light fortications ablaze and terrify their enemies, in the name of the god to whom they dedicate their service: Neitos, the greatest warrior god of Iberia.
Class: 3 Size: 175
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
18 7 10 1 30 22/4 2/30 15/7 95 6


Iberi Velites

Iberi Velites (Arevaci Spear-Skirmishers) These young tribesmen carry simple equipment – several javelins for skirmishing, shields crafted out of reeds harvested from the banks of streams and a short spear, as they cannot afford the standard sword used by most Iberian warriors. However, their numbers, physical fitness, and desire to prove themselves makes them more willing to engage in melee than the average skirmisher.
Class: 3 Size: 300
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
16 6 8 1 30 20/3 2/30 15/5 80 3



Imannae (Arevaci Ambushers) The Imannae (Im-an-ay; Ambushers) are youths used throughout many less-developed Celtic territories to ambush and disorient enemies. They are actually more akin to a militia arm, and are employed by tribes in dire need of defence; they are best employed as hit-and-run soldiers. Therefore, their shields are made out of light materials and won’t help much in melee, but they are large enough to offer fine protection from opposing missiles.
Class: 3 Size: 175
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
16 9 2 1 30 24/1 4/75 15/6 85 6


Cavalry Units


Redoi (Arevaci Skirmisher Cavalry) These men rarely find themselves in real danger, their ponies being fast enough to escape all but slingstones and the most determined enemy horsemen. Hardened by a life of scratching a living from the ebony soil of Iberia, and seated upon a sinuous and dogged steed, these men and their mounts are no strangers to the hardships of life.
Class: 2 Size: 120
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
36 9 4 4 39 30/3 2/35 15/7 90 6


Iberi Equites Caetrati

Iberi Equites Caetrati (Arevaci Light Cavalry) The Equites Caetrati are very useful light skirmishing cavalry. They are armed with several javelins and the standard Iberian falcata and caetra combination.
Class: 2 Size: 120
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
40 13 8 13 39 32/3 2/35 15/7 90 6



Katuekuauiroi (Arevaci Lancers) Anyone who has fought against the Arevaci and lived to tell the tale will describe, with wide-eyed terror, the sight which emerges once the ground begins to rumble. As swift as arrows, and just as deadly, these cavalrymen can harry enemy formations and ride in tight formation to deliver devastating charges using their lances. They also carry swords for melee fighting should they have to, but are lightly protected in return for agility and endurance to enhance their shock tactics.
Class: 2 Size: 120
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
50 10 11 18 39 27/5 2/35 13/4 75 1


Katuekuauiroi Arjos

Katuekuauiroi Arjos (Arevaci Noble Lancers) Selected from the best horsemen among the ranks of the regular Katuekuauiroi, these men are an elite corps of shock cavalry. The Katuekuauiroi are forbidden by law to survive their leaders in battle, which is a source of great strength to the Celtiberians.
Class: 2 Size: 100
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
52 12 12 38 51 27/6 2/35 13/4 75 1



Ekualakoi (Arevaci Heavy Cavalry) These heavily armored nobles relish in melee combat with their large shields and fine longswords. They live, breathe and drink the heroic mantra; that it is better to enjoy a heroic and glorious death at a young age, than to suffer to live to be an old and forgotten man. Their bravery, loyalty and ferocity cannot be equalled.
Class: 1 Size: 100
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
40 13 8 38 48 32/3 6/55 13/4 75 1


Loricati Reforms

Loricati Scutarii

Loricati Scutarii (Arevaci Armoured Scutarii) The Loricatii Scutarii are some of the most vicious of the Celtiberian soldiery. They are used by Celtiberian chieftains as the best of the regular line infantry. They fight mainly in pitched battles, rather than the usual guerrilla battles across Iberia, and would be last used by the Pompey brothers in the battles against Caesar.
Class: 2 Size: 300
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
26 12 7 25 48 23/6 7/65 15/4 85 1


Arjos Dunaminica

Arjos Dunaminica (Iberian Reformed Heavy Swordsmen) Learning from their enemies and well-equipped, these ferocious and battle-hardened warriors wield swords and heavy mail. They are widely regarded as some of the best trained men in Hispania.
Class: 2 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
21 15 5 38 48 30/2 6/50 15/4 85 1