Scythia Unit Roster

Infantry Units

Skudra Tabari

Skudra Tabari (Scythian Tribal Warriors) Armed with a Tabar axe, these infantrymen are protected by only their crescent shaped Taka shield.
Class: 2 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
26 7 3 8 38 18/13 6/50 15/5 80 3


Skythioi Tabari

Skythioi Tabari (Scythian Armored Axemen) As Scythian tribes become more settled, infantry is becoming more prominent. While not able to keep up with most heavy infantry, these soldiers are still great shock troops.
Class: 1 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
30 11 5 30 44 20/15 6/50 -/- 0


Skythioi Doryphoroi

Skythioi Doryphoroi (Scythian Tribal Spears) Scythian infantry may not be as fearsome as their cavalry but these warriors are not afraid of facing the enemy up close.
Class: 3 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
20 8 5 1 30 19/5 6/50 -/- 0


Skythioi Hoplitai

Skythioi Hoplitai (Bosporan Hoplites) Growing Scythian cities attract many who might see it as a chance to establish a trading post or obtain a mercenary job. These Greeks were offered land in exchange for their service as heavy infantry.
Class: 2 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
18 7 10 30 42 22/4 4/65 -/- 0


Skythioi Logades

Skythioi Logades (Scythian Chosen Hoplites) Elite mercenaries from various Greek cities, willing to settle in the lands of Scythians. While they can’t compete with the best hoplites of Hellas, they are more than properly trained and equipped.
Class: 1 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
21 9 14 38 46 26/4 5/70 -/- 0


Missile Units

Skythioi Akinakephoroi

Skythioi Akinakephoroi (Scythian Skirmishers) Light Scythian infantrymen are rarely seen and used only as a last emergency resource, since Scythian settlements are very rarely attacked directly. The war is usually far away, as cavalry is the main tool of nomadic warfare.
Class: 3 Size: 175
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
16 6 8 1 35 20/3 4/40 15/5 80 6


Skythioi Sphendonetai

Skythioi Sphendonetai (Scythian Slingers) Scythians may favor the bow but their many herds need to be constantly guarded and slinging rocks at raiders and wolves is great practice.
Class: 3 Size: 175
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
10 5 2 1 32 18/1 4/40 4/5 165 20


Skuda Fistaeg Fat Aexsdzhytae

Skuda Fistaeg Fat Aexsdzhytae (Scythian Archers) These archers are not well outfitted for hand to hand combat, as all they carry is a short sword or small pickaxe and no armour but their thick jackets and bashlyk felt caps. If unsupported, they will be easy prey for cavalry or aggressive infantry who are fast enough to catch them.
Class: 3 Size: 175
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
24 5 2 1 37 16/12 0/15 13/3 175 15


Skythioi Epilektoi Toxotai

Skythioi Epilektoi Toxotai (Scythian Armoured Archers) Less common than their mounted equivalents, these heavy Scythian archers dismount to operate in woods and rough terrain. They are very well protected with a light and flexible Greek linothorax, complete with bronze or bone scales. They wield spears to fend off enemy cavalry.
Class: 2 Size: 175
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
18 7 10 20 40 22/4 6/50 13/3 175 15


Cavalry Units

Skythioi Hippakontistai

Skythioi Hippakontistai (Scythian Horse Skirmishers) Although the horse archer is the backbone of any nomadic army, mounted javelineers are used as well, mostly in close quarters on rough terrain, in ambushes and night raids.
Class: 3 Size: 120
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
30 7 2 4 30 27/1 2/35 15/6 85 6


Skuda Baexdzhyntae

Skuda Baexdzhyntae (Scythian Horse Archers) These light riders are from the Scythian tribes to the north of the Pontus Euxinus (Black Sea). They rely on swords and bows and are some of the most effective light horse available. These light horsemen will prove of little value in a hand to hand clash against disciplined infantry and care should be taken not to waste them in such a way.
Class: 3 Size: 120
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
30 7 2 4 35 27/1 0/15 11/5 150 15


Skythioi Lonchophoroi

Skythioi Lonchophoroi (Scythian Young Warriors) Young Scythian horsemen are lesser nobles and yet unproven warriors who fight the enemy up close, rather than at a distance. While able to hold in melee, they still prefer to soften the enemy up with javelins prior to charging.
Class: 3 Size: 120
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
47 8 7 23 37 26/5 4/45 13/4 75 4


Skythioi Hippeis

Skythioi Hippeis (Scythian Heavy Cavalry) Heavy cavalry is the backbone of Scythian armies. While horse archers weaken the enemy, it is up to these armored warriors to charge in and finish the job. Their armor perfectly reflects Scythian skill and is a variety of equipment from both local and foreign artisans, finely crafted and often customised to fit the wearer as well as possible.
Class: 2 Size: 120
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
48 9 9 41 45 26/5 4/45 13/4 75 4


Skuda Aeldary

Skuda Aeldary (Scythian Elders) These proud warriors may not be nobles but they have years of experience behind them, both in war and day to day life. Their skill with bow and sagaris are exceptional but they are not armoured enough for prolonged melee.
Class: 2 Size: 120
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
42 12 5 4 45 20/12 0/15 12/5 160 15


Skythioi Aristoi Hippotoxotai

Skythioi Aristoi Hippotoxotai (Scythian Picked Horse Archers) Nearly all Scythians are proficient with the bow but the skill of these men is expceptional. They are selected from among all ranks for their value on the field and their armor provides very good protection while still allowing them to maneuver fast and stay nimble.
Class: 1 Size: 120
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
38 11 6 38 48 31/3 2/35 12/6 170 15


Skuda Uaezdaettae

Skuda Uaezdaettae (Scythian Nobles) Scythian nobles are some of most experienced and wealthy warriors one can meet when facing their armies. They do not carry any ranged weapons and instead focus on their skill with a lance, while covering their bodies in the best armor that Scythian artisans can make.
Class: 1 Size: 120
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
62 11 10 51 52 19/12 0/15 -/- 0


Skythioi Basilikoi Somatophylakes

Skythioi Basilikoi Somatophylakes (Scythian Royal Guard) Finest of all Scythian warriors and nobles, they will stop at nothing to protect their king. Being wealthy, they are able to buy the best equipment, even imported armor from the Greeks.
Class: 1 Size: 120
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
43 12 5 49 53 20/12 0/15 12/6 170 15


Skythioi Somatophylakes

Skythioi Somatophylakes (Scythian Chieftain Guard) Each warlord needs loyal and skilled warriors to accompany him to the field of battle.
Class: 2 Size: 120
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
48 9 9 38 48 26/5 4/45 13/4 75 4


Reform Units

Skytho-Bosphoroi Pezoi

Skytho-Bosphoroi Pezoi (Scytho-Bosporan Infantry) These Scythians are raised from settled groups of formerly nomadic people and fight in a manner similar to Greek light infantry, where they first harrass enemies with javelins and then charge in with swords.
Class: 3 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
15 12 2 8 42 23/3 7/65 15/5 80 3


Skytho-Bosphoroi Thureophoroi

Skytho-Bosphoroi Thureophoroi (Scytho-Bosporan Spearmen) These Scythians are raised from settled groups of formerly nomadic people. As they abandon their traditional way of life as nomadic herdsmen, more and more of their warriors become infantry. The equipment of these troops reflects substantial Greek influence, which is quite evident in, for example, the large oval thureos shields that these infantrymen carry.
Class: 3 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
18 7 10 10 40 22/4 7/65 -/- 0


Skytho-Bosphoroi Toxotai

Skytho-Bosphoroi Toxotai (Scytho-Bosporan Archers) Scythian cities may grow in size and riches but these also attract envious eyes. Professional units of armored archers, mixing both Scythian skill and Greek equipment, are more than capable of defending their settlements or facing the enemy on the field of battle.
Class: 1 Size: 175
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
13 9 7 25 43 23/3 6/50 15/3 185 15


Skytho-Bosphoroi Peltastai

Skytho-Bosphoroi Peltastai (Scytho-Bosporan Peltasts) Scythian settlements on the Black Sea coast have substantial Greek presence and these warriors reflect the fighting style of their infantry.
Class: 2 Size: 175
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
26 7 3 20 43 18/13 7/65 15/6 85 6


Skytho-Sauromatai Hippeis

Skytho-Sauromatai Hippeis (Scytho-Sarmatian Cavalry) The push of Sarmatians toward Western territories changed Scythian ways of fighting. Rather than focusing on a particular skill, these riders are able to meet enemy both with lance and a bow. Their mounts are also not left unprotected from both blades and arrows.
Class: 2 Size: 120
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
59 10 8 45 46 18/12 0/15 12/5 160 15