Macedon Unit Roster

Infantry Units


Euzonoi (Greek Infantry) These infantrymen are basic soldiers levied from the general population to serve where needed.
Class: 3 Size: 300
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
12 8 5 8 33 21/2 6/50 15/5 80 3


Epistratoi Hoplitai

Epistratoi Hoplitai (Levy Hoplites) Any honest citizen can take up the shield and answer to the name of hoplite.
Class: 3 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
16 6 8 15 36 20/3 4/65 -/- 0


Makedonikoi Ekdromoi Hoplitai

Makedonikoi Ekdromoi Hoplitai (Macedonian Light Hoplites) Discipline is needed to carry a spear and bear a shield in the phalanx.
Class: 2 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
19 8 11 15 43 22/5 4/65 -/- 0


Makedonikoi Hoplitai

Makedonikoi Hoplitai (Macedonian Hoplites) Hoplites: no other word says Greeks at war in quite the same way.
Class: 2 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
18 7 10 30 43 22/4 5/70 -/- 0


Chalkaspides Phalangitai

Chalkaspides Phalangitai (Greek Bronze Shield Pikemen) A frontline phalanx of pikemen, the bronze shields are modelled on their hoplite forebears and, subsequently, the Alexandrian pike reforms. Their most distinctive feature, and the one which gives them their name, is their bronze shield, emblazoned with the name of their king.
Class: 2 Size: 256
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
19 9 6 35 46 25/1 6/50 -/- 0


Basilikoi Peltastai Phalangitai

Basilikoi Peltastai Phalangitai (Royal Pikemen) A phalanx of elite pikemen, armed with shorter pikes than most phalangites and tasked with more versatile battle roles. These men are chosen to serve in the prime of their lives.
Class: 1 Size: 256
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
24 15 6 30 49 26/4 4/40 -/- 0


Basilikoi Peltastai

Basilikoi Peltastai (Royal Peltasts) The king’s own skirmishers are an infantry force to be reckoned with.
Class: 1 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
18 16 4 30 49 25/4 4/40 13/3 85 2


Hypaspistai Agematos

Hypaspistai Agematos (Shield-Bearers) A powerful, reliable force of hoplites who can be counted on in almost any situation.
Class: 1 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
21 9 14 41 52 26/4 5/70 -/- 0



Agema (Elite Guard) While Peltastai were already elite soldiers, the Agema were chosen from the best among them. Outfitted with the most expensive equipment, these veterans formed the core shock troops of Macedon’s forces.
Class: 1 Size: 256
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
24 15 6 38 56 26/4 6/50 -/- 0


Hypaspistai Somatophylakes

Hypaspistai Somatophylakes (Royal Bodyguard) Every royal retainer has a force of elite hoplites under his command, numbering stronger than most and equipped with the best arms and armour.
Class: 1 Size: 300
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
21 9 14 41 56 26/4 5/70 -/- 0


Missile Units

Psiloi Sphendonetai

Psiloi Sphendonetai (Greek Slingers) Witty slingers, and all Greeks have wit, often scratch OUCH! onto their shots.
Class: 3 Size: 175
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
8 3 1 1 30 16/1 4/40 5/6 190 20


Psiloi Akontistai

Psiloi Akontistai (Greek Javelinmen) Lightly armed javelinmen, intended to harass and disrupt the enemy battle line.
Class: 3 Size: 175
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
8 3 1 1 30 16/1 2/30 15/6 85 6


Psiloi Toxotai

Psiloi Toxotai (Greek Archers) Archers are ideal for harassing the enemy from afar, and goading them into foolish action.
Class: 3 Size: 175
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
8 3 1 1 30 16/1 0/15 12/3 165 15


Iphikratous Peltastai

Iphikratous Peltastai (Iphicratean Early Peltasts) Before developing into their more well-known formation, the so-called Iphicratean peltasts, inspired by the reforms of Iphicrates, are equipped with long spears and light armour in order to counter hoplite tactics.
Class: 2 Size: 175
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
19 8 12 15 39 24/4 4/40 15/6 85 5


Cavalry Units


Hippakontistai (Greek Javelin Cavalry) These speedy, light cavalrymen can do good service in harrying the enemy.
Class: 2 Size: 120
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
36 9 4 4 33 30/3 2/30 15/6 85 6


Makedonikoi Hippeis

Makedonikoi Hippeis (Macedonian Citizen Cavalry) The horse-owning rich have the same rights to defend their homes as lesser men in the phalanx.
Class: 2 Size: 100
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
47 8 7 33 46 26/5 6/55 -/- 0



Prodromoi (Medium Skirmisher Cavalry) Prodromoi are the traditional Diadochoi medium skirmisher cavalry, combining the ability to mount cavalry charges with flanking, raiding, and screening skills.
Class: 2 Size: 120
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
38 11 6 18 39 31/3 4/45 15/7 90 6



Sarissaphoroi (Sarissa Lancers) These lancers use a much longer spear than most horsemen, almost the length of a pike.
Class: 2 Size: 120
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
63 12 4 11 39 28/4 0/15 -/- 0


Thessaloi Hippeis

Thessaloi Hippeis (Thessalian Cavalry) These superb heavy horsemen can smash through most opposition on their first charge.
Class: 2 Size: 100
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
57 13 5 28 46 28/4 0/15 -/- 0


Tarantinoi Hippeis

Tarantinoi Hippeis (Tarantine Cavalry) These light cavalrymen armed with javelins are rightly held in high regard for their skills.
Class: 2 Size: 120
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
47 8 7 28 43 26/5 4/45 13/7 30 4


Hiera Ile

Hiera Ile (Sacred Squadron) The elite guard cavalry unit of the Antigonids: similar to the original companion cavalry, they are feared for their powerful charge.
Class: 1 Size: 100
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
60 15 6 41 52 29/4 0/15 -/- 0


Hiera Ile (Early)

Hiera Ile (Early) (Sacred Squadron) The elite guard cavalry unit of the Antigonids: similar to the original companion cavalry, they are feared for their powerful charge.
Class: 1 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
57 13 5 41 52 28/4 0/15 -/- 0


Thureos Reforms


Thureophoroi (Thureos Spears) These well-trained warriors are a flexible force of skirmishing spearmen.
Class: 3 Size: 300
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
18 7 10 20 43 22/4 7/65 13/2 85 1


Thureophoroi Euzonoi

Thureophoroi Euzonoi (Thureos Swordsmen) These warriors are a flexible force, able to throw javelins from afar and quickly go into melee after.
Class: 3 Size: 300
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
13 9 7 8 43 23/3 7/65 15/5 80 3


Leukaspides Makedonikoi

Leukaspides Makedonikoi (White Shield Infantry) These White Shields are non-Macedonian troops equipped by the government to serve as holding forces in new territories. These fearsome warriors have developed their own reputation and are supplied with specialised weapons from the state treasury.
Class: 4 Size: 300
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
21 9 2 10 43 21/7 7/65 13/3 85 1



Peltastai (Peltasts) These javelin-armed light infantry are used to harass slower, heavier enemy units.
Class: 2 Size: 175
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
13 9 7 25 39 23/3 7/65 15/7 90 6


Thureophoroi Prodromoi

Thureophoroi Prodromoi (Thureos Cavalry) These mercenary soldiers are wealthy enough to be able to afford horses. While not the heaviest cavalry, they are mobile and carry javelins which allow them to harass nearby enemy formations.
Class: 2 Size: 120
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
36 9 4 23 39 30/3 6/55 15/6 85 6


Hiera Ile (Late)

Hiera Ile (Late) (Late Sacred Squadron) The elite guard cavalry unit of the Antigonids: over time, the original companion cavalry developed into heavy shielded lancers.
Class: 1 Size: 100
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
53 14 8 45 52 31/4 6/55 -/- 0


Hiera Ile (Late)

Hiera Ile (Late) (Late Sacred Squadron) The elite guard cavalry unit of the Antigonids: over time, the original companion cavalry developed into a more flexible force, relying on both javelin and sword.
Class: 1 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
40 13 8 41 49 32/3 6/55 15/8 95 6


Basilikoi Ile

Basilikoi Ile (Royal Squadron) A versatile yet powerful squad of Macedonian cavalry, useful in many different situations.
Class: 1 Size: 100
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
40 13 8 38 46 32/3 6/55 15/6 85 6


Thorax Reforms

Thorakitai Doriphoroi

Thorakitai Doriphoroi (Thorax Spearmen) These warriors are the first line of an army, strong in defence against cavalry with their spears.
Class: 2 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
19 8 12 38 49 24/4 8/70 -/- 0


Thorakitai Chalkaspides

Thorakitai Chalkaspides (Thorax Bronze Shield Pikes) A phalanx armed with long pikes presents a formidable threat to any battle line, especially a phalanx as revered as the Chalkaspides.
Class: 2 Size: 256
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
21 11 7 38 46 26/1 6/50 -/- 0



Thorakitai (Thorax Swordsmen) These well-protected warriors are a danger in melee and with their javelins.
Class: 2 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
16 14 3 38 49 23/4 8/70 13/3 85 1



Kestrosphendones (Dart Slingers) The kestros is a dart thrown by a specially made sling, or propelled by a staff on a sling. It takes a long time to reload, but allows for more deadly and accurate shots than any other weapon of the time. If correctly used it is very effective, thanks to the shape of the darts, which can fly straight with precise trajectories.
Class: 2 Size: 175
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
13 9 7 20 35 23/3 4/40 12/9 120 10