Cimbri Unit Roster

Infantry Units


Framannoz (Cimbri Spear Band) The men of a spear warband are effective against cavalry and most infantry, but lack the discipline of more ‘civilised’ troops.
Class: 3 Size: 300
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
16 6 8 8 39 20/3 6/50 -/- 0



Nakwaðaz (Cimbri Naked Spearmen) Like most Germanic warriors, these hardy troops are experts at hiding in forests and their war cry can cause even veteran warriors to waver.
Class: 2 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
26 12 7 1 54 23/6 6/50 13/3 85 1



Ðugunþiz (Cimbri Heavy Spearmen) This is a sturdy unit that any warchief can count on to break the enemy center, or block it and allow outflanking maneuvers by younger and more agile warriors.
Class: 2 Size: 300
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
19 8 12 15 45 24/4 6/50 -/- 0


Waiþiz Woþo

Waiþiz Woþo (Cimbri Wolf Warriors) Fit for speed and surprise, attacking and disappearing in hit-and-run raids, the wolf warriors are armed with spear, sword, and shield.
Class: 2 Size: 300
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
29 14 8 10 45 25/6 6/50 15/8 95 2



Hildisvini (Cimbri Axemen) Axemen are steadfast and aggressive fighters, the ‘infantry of the line’ for barbarian warlords. They are drawn from the wealthier freeholders and many have seen previous hard service.
Class: 3 Size: 300
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
26 7 3 8 39 18/13 6/50 12/5 80 1



Akwinaz (Cimbri Heavy Axemen) Axes are intimidating weapons, especially in the hands of chosen warriors. These men can hack a hole in almost any enemy battle line.
Class: 2 Size: 300
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
28 9 4 20 45 19/14 6/50 12/5 80 1



Wulfaxamoz (Champions of Thunaroz) These noblemen are devotees of Thunaraz, in whose name they charge with a thunderous roar, striking their enemies like lightning with heavy, shield-cleaving strokes from their axes. Their speed, power, and ferocity terrify all who dare oppose them.
Class: 1 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
30 11 5 35 48 20/15 4/40 12/5 80 1


Thegnoz Akwinaz

Thegnoz Akwinaz (Cimbri Noble Axemen) A particularly bold barbarian warlord gives his noble clients and kinsmen sharp axes and leads them into the heart of battle, splitting heads and shields as he carves his way to the afterlife. In a crisis, these men form a dense formation in order to protect their leader with their lives.
Class: 1 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
30 11 5 38 51 20/15 7/65 12/5 80 1



Xaþubarðoz (Cimbri Assault Infantry) Every warlord worth the name makes sure he has a couple of warbands of these tough warriors under his command. Armed with swords, axes, and decent armor, these men delight in battle and revel in their enemies’ misery.
Class: 2 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
19 13 4 20 45 23/4 6/50 13/2 85 1


Xerunautoz Xasþaþai

Xerunautoz Xasþaþai (Cimbri Veteran Swordsmen) These noble swordmen may be few in number, but they are superbly trained and equipped. Only a fool would underestimate their prowess!
Class: 1 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
21 15 5 35 48 30/2 7/65 13/3 85 1


Kimbroz Druthinaz

Kimbroz Druthinaz (Cimbri Noble Swordsmen) A wise barbarian warlord surrounds himself with the very best of his noble kinsman and clients as a personal guard. These men use the finest swords available and will give their lives for their leader.
Class: 1 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
22 17 6 38 51 32/2 7/65 13/3 85 1


Kuningaz Beryanoz

Kuningaz Beryanoz (Cimbri Noble Spearmen) These bodyguards are a true elite comprised of a the leader’s kinsmen, a few high nobles, and petty chieftains.
Class: 1 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
21 9 14 38 51 26/4 7/65 -/- 0


Missile Units


Skutjanz (Cimbri Archers) These freemen archers use an early form of longbow to harass their enemy. While it is a formidable weapon, it does not have the same range as later longbows.
Class: 3 Size: 175
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
18 7 10 1 33 22/4 0/15 12/3 165 15



Slengwanz (Cimbri Slingers) The slinger can throw a stone at a velocity that can stun, break bones, or kill.
Class: 3 Size: 175
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
10 5 2 1 30 18/1 0/15 4/5 165 20



Jugunþiz (Cimbri Youths) These skirmishers are primarily younger warriors and hunters.
Class: 3 Size: 175
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
16 6 8 1 30 20/3 4/40 15/6 85 6



Druthiz (Cimbri Skirmishers) Their equipment is cheap, light, and practical.
Class: 3 Size: 175
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
10 5 2 1 33 18/1 4/75 15/7 90 6


Stranjaz Druthiz

Stranjaz Druthiz (Cimbri Elite Skirmishers) They usually draw first blood in battle after the long and terrifying roar that precedes a furious assault by their brethren.
Class: 2 Size: 200
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
29 14 8 10 42 25/6 6/50 15/8 95 6


Cavalry Units

Jugunþiz Ridanz

Jugunþiz Ridanz (Cimbri Light Riders) These light cavalrymen are best used as scouts and in pursuit of fleeing enemies.
Class: 2 Size: 120
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
40 10 4 11 33 19/12 6/55 15/6 85 6


Gaisoz Ridanz

Gaisoz Ridanz (Cimbri Medium Horsemen) These horsemen have a powerful charge and provide the chief with a powerful flanking unit.
Class: 2 Size: 120
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
47 8 7 28 45 26/5 6/55 -/- 0



Marhathegnoz (Cimbri Noble Horsemen) These cavalrymen are nobles equipped with excellent iron armour, high-quality decorated helmets, and large shields.
Class: 1 Size: 100
Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale Melee Dmg/AP Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
43 12 5 41 51 20/12 6/55 13/4 75 1