Fix Update 1.2.8a

A small fix update has been released for the latest 1.2.8 version of the mod. If you use the standalone, you will need to get Part 1 again. Steam will automatically update.

This fix is save compatible.


Patch Notes 1.2.8a

– Fixed some AOR units missing from recruitment for a few factions.
– Fixed Greek Thureos swords not being properly greyed out/hidden pre reforms.
– Fixed Thracian Peltasts description
– Rhodian Light Hoplites are no longer locked to pre-Thureos (new campaigns).
– Fixed various light artillery pieces missing campaign stealth
– Fixed some factional tier 4 unique ports missing from population/supply system.
– Fixed some Bosporan units being 4th class by mistake.
– Added Noble Thureos Spears Illyrian unit to barracks recruitment.
– Increased Illyrian Sica Bearers to 300 man size unit.
– Fixed HatG and CiG Massalia missing special port/capital access and having wrong barracks as starting building.
– Fixed Apulian infantry being recruitable from tier 2 major cities for Greek/Roman factions. Should be tier 3 only now for all city types.
– Slightly lowered stats of Camillan Triarii
– Lowered shield value for new Iberian Reform Infantry
– Fixed Scythian noble cavalry having wrong mount entry
– Fixed voice entry for Arverni early oatshworn and unit set for them and champions.
– Changed various Massalia Gallic and Bosporan Nomad units to be factional versions of those units. Bosporan cavalry have new units sizes and updated stats.
– Fixed typo in 240 BC year in history message
– Medewi Painted warriors are now a population class 2 skirmisher unit. Basic Medewi skirmishers have slightly lowered stats.
– Moved some Medewi units to higher recruitment tiers.
– Gave basic Medewi swordsmen new visuals for weapons.

Divide et Impera 1.2.8 Released!

1.2.8 Release

The latest release for Divide et Impera has arrived! This version features many new changes such as the Greek Colonies overhaul, performance improvements, new Victory Conditions, updated visuals for many factions such as the British, new units for various factions, resource/AOR changes, and much more. Please enjoy the newest features and changes to the mod and feel free to give feedback on our Discord, thanks!

Download Page

Save game compatible. Both Part 1 & 2 have been updated for the standalone. Please note that various submods will need to be updated in order to be compatible. 


Patch Notes

Major Changes

Battle Changes

– Removed “Disciplined” attribute from most units, it was too common and often even applied to untrained units
– Removed knockback from slings and bows
– Lowered hidden bonus vs infantry of bows
– Tweaked pike and hoplite spacing
– Slight increase to damage for charging phalanx
– Lowered falx bonus vs infantry by 1
– Added fatigue resistance and expert charge defence to disciplined formation
– Added fatigue resistance and mighty knocback to diamond formation
– Diamond formation added to Companion cavalry
– Increased AP damage of lance and sword cavalry, lowered base damage of lance and sword cavalry
– Small increase to infantry charging speed
– Small increase to hoplite walking speed
– Lowered wardog stats
– Slightly lowered hoplite defense
– Added bonus vs infantry for sickles
– Barbarian shieldwall units got their mass and HP slightly lowered
– Fixed Short Pike Phalanx ability name and description
– Changed Disciplined Formation to Defensive Formation

Battle Performance Changes

– Stamina Abilities for units have been removed. They were not functioning properly and were the cause of battle lag.
– Due to these changes, battle lag should be significantly improved, especially on lower end systems. Big thanks to Benjin for figuring this out!
– In the future, we may have them back or a submod version, if they can be implemented properly.

Greek Colony Overhauls

– Massalia, Colchis and Bosporus have had their rosters changed and updated.
– These three factions now have special colony barracks building types that have unique features and functions such as local vs Greek units, culture/diplomacy effects, etc.
– Colchis is now Caucasian and has Caucasian temples (new campaign only)
– New Faction trait: Colony population techs in the military training tree.
– Current campaigns with these factions may have some issues with incorrect building types.

Other New Units

– New Nabatean camel unit, New Athenian peltast units, new Iberian reform unit, new Saba heavy infantry, and new Kartli heavy swordsmen.
– Updated visuals to Epirote elite hoplites, elite pikes, thorax cavalry, citizen cavalry and hoplites

New Barbarian AI Roster Units

– Added 90 new AI only Grand Campaign units for various germanic, gallic, celtiberian, thracian and british AI factions from Ritter-Floh to create more unique and varied rosters.
– These will replace or augment existing rosters based the tribe. The goal is to add more variety and unique units for the various factions a player may face.

British Units & Generals Visual Updates

– Added new and greater variations for many units and updated their appearance. These included older shared units, officers, standard bearers and faction exclusive units.
– British generals updated with new visuals and proper politician outfits for when they are not leading troops.
– Big thanks to CEMN on all the hard work for these changes!

Area of Recruitment Changes

– Various higher tier AOR units have been moved to the immigration/foreign quarter line of buildings in many regions.
– These units now require either tier 2 or tier 3 of the immigration building to be recruited, depending on the unit quality.
– Depending on the culture, some of these units may still be available in the main city line because cultures cannot build immigration buildings of their own culture type.
– Removed copy units of Galatian AOR levies, swords and cavalry. These units are now available in the traditional Galatia area only.

Resource Changes (New Campaigns only)

– Iron has been moved from Sicily to Corsica and fish from Corsica to Sicily.
– Silver has been added in the Edetani’s city and olive oil has been moved in land.
– Added new amber and spice main city buildings rather than having the resource come from the region effect alone.
– Moved the amber resource in Germany to be on the coast with a port
– Region effects still produce 1 of each resource to allow saves to retain that feature. Save games will have amber production in a different region than the resource buildings in Germany due to the move.
– Carthage’s mercenary barracks now requires silver rather than gold to upgrade.

Squalor Changes

– Squalor (sanitation) effects now begin at tier 1 for all cities and gradually increase to tier 4.
– Lowered unrest (public order) negatives on all tier 4 cities.
– Slightly increased squalor (sanitation) from major cities.
– Added small sanitation bonus to first civil technology.
– Removed random disaster plague events.

Population Changes

– Replaced most upkeep bonuses in the Military Management technology tree with population bonuses.
– Population system economic effects are now properly working. This will have an impact on save game economies.

New Victory Conditions

– Revised all Victory conditions to be generally shorter, more consistent and varied between the types of victories. Big thanks to Q_Sertorius for all the work on this new feature! (new campaign only)

Naval Changes

– Increased costs of Trihemolia, Quadremes, Hepteres and Octeres ships
– Slight buff to barbarian ship hp, turn rate and acceleration.
– Improved most Greek naval garrisons, especially for Carthage and Rhodes.
– Special ports now have improved garrisons at higher tiers.
– Fixed Illyrian raiding hemolia missing from military ports, added Quadreme to military tier 4 port recruitment.
– Moved Quinquiremes to level 2 military port recruitment.
– Greek Trihemolias moved to tier 3 for most factions. Athens, Egypt, and Knossos have it at tier 2 and Rhodes at tier 1.
– Alexandria has access to Octeres at tier 4 for garrison and recruitment and some heavier ships earlier.
– Carthage has access to Triremes and Tetreres earlier than other ports.

General Changes

– Reduced AI agent amount (reduced cap) at higher imperium levels.
– Removed Governor (dignitary) agent active actions, they are now passive only.
– Many Mercenaries now start at 0 availability to begin a campaign and have to replenish. Most provinces start with 1 unit available at start, some with 2. (new campaign only)
– Changed all Mercenaries to have the same replenishment rate chance (15% as most had already) – new campaign only
– Increased recruitment cost based on imperium level, especially for highest imperiums.
– Reduced AI Bonuses for smaller imperium size AI factions.
– Lowered gravitas per turn effects for skills, ancillaries and traits.
– Updated visuals for 14 units that had older or vanilla assets from skillfultree’s submod. Big thanks to him!
– Tier 4 barracks now give 1 extra recruitment slot.
– AI Carthage now starts friendly toward the Nasamones, Garamantia, Cyrenaica and the Gaetuli.
– Added autoresolve bonus for Carthage and Seleucids when attacking vs non player allied minor factions.
– Fixed the Fleet ready to leave port supply effect not properly being removed.
– Fixed skills, ancillaries and traditions that affect enemy morale not properly working. They will now affect all enemy armies in a region.
– Fixed many factions having incorrect rebellion units and general units.
– Lowered fame threshhold for Imperium 6-8, so they will be reached sooner.
– All units now have campaign stealth and will have to be seen in order to be identified on the campaign map.
– Added new strategic port for Athens (Piraeus) in new campaigns, changed previous special tier 5 port to a different name.
– Added supply ships to Thracian factions.
– Fixed many AI recruitment templates missing proper cavalry settings, thanks to Swaraj for the find!
– Updated hardcoded political traits for various political parties, thanks to Q!
– Added some events from other DLCs to various factions or geographical areas. These include new events for Egypt and Rome as well as the areas around Massalia and Carthage.

Other Fixes

General Fixes
– Fixed various dilemmas/incidents that were bugged in vanilla.
– Fixed Battle of Cannae crashing, thanks to Swaraj!
– Changed some names & effects for Egyptian temples to add variance to the culture types given
– Fixed the “white screen” map bug when starting a multiplayer campaign.
– Changed political party names for some Bactria, Cimbri, Syracuse and Sparta auxiliary parties
– Changed Carthage/Rome escalation scripts to take into account if Syracuse takes Sicily or if the Masaesyli take Syracuse.
– Fixed 2 incorrect units in Baktrian chapter missions.
– Fixed Germanic army tradition missing effect text, name and icon
– Removed quotation marks (many errant) from unit descriptions
– Changed some political party colors to better stand out.
– Fixed missing trait effects for some female traits.
– Lowered starting Hellenic culture in Caucasia.
– Fixed Athenian faction trait bonus not properly applying to a few ships types.
– Fixed some RoR general & factional events not working properly.
– Changed Galatia to celtic subculture group to better confederate with other celtic neighbors.
– Changed building required for Bosporan chapter 3 mission
– Lowered some deployable amounts received for garrisoned forces.
– Fixed Saka reform countdown message being incorrect.
– Removed duplicate level 5 temple for Massalia


– Added new strength/weakness unit description texts for all units based on unit class/weapon.
– Added guerilla deployment to Germanic and Iberian missile units.
– Changed Germanic axe raider ships to population class 3 to match land counterparts.
– Fixed Mercenary Belgic Lancers missing secondary weapons.
– Fixed Bactrian Heroic cavalry having wrong attribute group
– Changed Scythian armored lancers to have proper ammo amount.
– Fixed Media starting archer unit size. (new campaign only)
– Fixed bad texture on an Indian 2h axe model.
– Light Peltasts now use 2h spears and have them in offhand with javelins.
– Removed horse armour on certain non heavy hellenic horses
– Changed Arevaci guerilla warriors to third class
– Added guerilla deployment to Cimbri spearmen, berserkers and sword unit.
– Changed unit card for Numidian slingers.
– Changed Greek ballista to 2nd class to match other factions and siege units.
– Fixed garrison Armenian cavalry missing javelin models in battle.
– Changed Caledonian medium archers to pop 3, light cav to pop 2
– Added stealth/guerilla attributes to skirmisher and levy Irish and Caledonian units.
– Fixed bugged textures on Egyptian traitor legionary and Scipio Praetorian unit shields.
– Changed Dacian Cataphract cav to pop class 1.
– Changed Pergamon Elite Thureos spears to 2nd class
– Fixed composite bow cavalry shield animations.
– Fixed various incorrect voice entries for units.
– Removed javelins from some AOR and garrison British units.
– Changed Greek raiding hemolias to be third class pop.
– Fixed name for Helot hoplite unit.
– Fixed some Boii and other units having double skins
– Changed Saka Indo-Greek units to second class.
– Changed 2 Belgic heavy spearmen shield wall units to 200 size.
– Updated Sardinian archer stats/look and added them to Carthage custom battle roster.
– Added concentrated fire to Rhodian Light Hoplites and gave them 8 ammo.


– Changed Rugoz roster units to match Cimbri units.
– Fixed some Iberian factions have a Celtic rather than Iberian piece of artillery.
– Removed normal thorax spears from Pergamon roster due to having their own version.
– Moved Edetani Guard and Heavy Infantry to barracks, Light Swords and Skirmishers to main city line.
– Moved Cimbri slingers to main city line and elite skirmishers to tier 3 cities.
– Added Cimbri Noble cav and Ardaiei noble hoplites to recruitable units.
– Removed Galatian and Iberian mercenary units from African provinces (new campaign only)
– Removed shared heavy cavalry commander unit from celtiberian factions.
– Increased Carthaginian maximum available limit for Galatian and Iberian factional mercenaries (new campaign only)
– Added Iberian light cavalry units to all barracks types.
– Kartli foot guard moved up to tier 3 barracks recruitment.
– Moved Gastraphetes unit to Sicily only.
– Added bireme/trireme recruitment for Rhodes tier 1 special port.
– Moved Armenian/Kartli Georgian sword unit to main city recruitment.
– Added Loricati reform unit to Lusitani roster.
– Lusitani Heavy spear and sword also now recruitable from tier 3 barracks along with tier 3 cities. Callaeci Medium infantry moved to tier 2 cities.
– Removed Syrian mercenary elephants, increased AOR syrian elephants campaign cap.
– Increased cavalry ratio for Iberian AI army templates.
– Moved Thracian footmen to tier 1 cities, Thracian Rhomphaia to tier 2.
– Added Molossian Royal Guard to tier 3 barracks recruitment.
– Moved Caledonian archers to city recruitment, militia to barracks recruitment
– Fixed Pergamon Galatian infantry not being recruitable, moved to a pre-Thureos unit (new campaign only)
– Removed lowest tier townsfolk units from rebellion rosters.
– Fixed various civil war factions missing garrison units.
– Moved a few different barbarian units from the slave market buildings to the Loremaster’s Hut in major cities.
– Removed artillery Quinquiremes for most eastern factions.
– Moved Meroe skirmishers and archers to main city line, medium spearmen and pikes to barracks. Moved light cav to tier 1 stables.
– Moved Median Persian Kinsmen Lancers to Iranian reforms
– Removed Median pikes from roster.
– Fixed Parthian camel cataphracts not being properly recruitable.
– Fixed Late Triarii and Allied Pedites missing weapons in hollow square.
– Fixed 3 units missing from Nervii custom battle roster and 1 from Scordisci roster
– Changed Seleucids to use Greek supply units so they will be properly recruited.
– Moved AOR Britannic ambushers to tier 2 city recruitment, lowered their campaign cap a little.
– Moved factional British ambushers to tier 2 barracks and Caledonian heavy infantry to tier 3.
– Removed errant Scythian archer unit from Saka/Roxolani campaign rosters.
– Replaced druidic nobles in Iceni factional mercenary pool with bodyguard unit (new campaign only).
– Moved Illyrian Spearmen, Thureos Spearmen and Taulantian Light Infantry to 3rd class.
– Moved Ardiaei Sica Bearers, Axemen and Spearmen to barracks, Light Spearmen and Clubmen to cities.
– Moved Parthian horse archers to tier 1 stables.


– Small increase to some tier 4 minor city food consumption.
– Fixed Macedon grain pits missing baggage train recruitment.
– Removed 3rd class pop bonus from Colony buildings.
– Increased 1st/2nd class pop from public guard tower buildings.
– Fixed Bibracte having reversed descriptions for trade/fort variants
– Changed barbarian research buildings to increase pop 1 and 2 instead of 1 and 3.
– Added sanitation effects to Germanic Austro temple line.
– Removed pop 3 bonus from Barbarian barracks and Eastern sanitation buildings to help with overcrowding.
– Changed tier 4 cattle/grain alternative buildings to provide pop 2.
– Added provincial cavalry morale bonuses for Epona temples.
– Removed upkeep effect from barbarian ports.


– Replaced chariot techs Baktria and Caledones. Changed Seleucid chariot tech to include elephant effects.
– Fixed Seleucids and Baktria missing required technologies for granaries and main city storage buildings.
– Moved Chieftain’s hold and Tavern buildings in Nomad and German tech trees.


– KAM for the insane amount of work he puts in on everything
– Ritter for so many great units
– Q_Sertorius for the new victory conditions and much more!
– Benjin for helping to identify the battle lag issue
– CEMN for his british units update and much more!
– Thanks to Jake, CEMN, skillfultree and Swaraj for help with unit card work and other bug identifications.
– skillfultree for his updated texture submod
– Litharion for various script fixes
– Agrez for help with the Epirote unit updates
– Demosthenes for the naval update

Unit Database Updated for 1.2.8!

–> Updated Unit Database <–


With a successful beta coming to a close, we are happy to announce that the unit database has been updated to the current units for 1.2.8. Although this mod version is still in beta, it won’t be long before it is fully released!

Thanks to everyone on the team and in the community for helping with 1.2.8, the feedback and progress during the beta has been immense. Please enjoy the updated unit database and we will have more information on our upcoming full release soon!

Divide et Impera 1.2.8 Open Beta Released!

Beta Release

The latest release for Divide et Impera has been opened up to the public as a beta. Please enjoy the newest features and changes to the mod and feel free to give feedback on our Discord, thanks!

Download Links: SteamStandalone (Mirror)


  1. ) Download the beta from the above links. If you use the standalone, place the mod pack in your Rome 2 data folder. If you use Steam, simply subscribe to the beta on the Steam workshop. Both versions require the main DeI mod.
  2. ) When you run Rome 2, make sure the beta pack is above the main mod in the Mod Manager load order. Click Play.

*Please note that most submods will not be compatible with this beta for now.

Patch Notes

Battle Changes

– Removed “Disciplined” attribute from most units, it was too common and often even applied to untrained units
– Removed knockback from slings and bows
– Lowered hidden bonus vs infantry of bows
– Tweaked pike and hoplite spacing
– Slight increase to damage for charging phalanx
– Lowered falx bonus vs infantry by 1
– Added fatigue resistance and expert charge defence to disciplined formation
– Added fatigue resistance and mighty knocback to diamond formation
– Diamond formation added to Companion cavalry
– Increased AP damage of lance and sword cavalry, lowered base damage of lance and sword cavalry
– Small increase to infantry charging speed
– Small increase to hoplite walking speed
– Lowered wardog stats
– Slightly lowered hoplite defense

Battle Performance Changes

– Stamina Abilities for units have been removed. They were not functioning properly and were the cause of battle lag.
– Due to these changes, battle lag should be significantly improved, especially on lower end systems. Big thanks to Benjin for figuring this out!
– In the future, we may have them back or a submod version, if they can be implemented properly.

Greek Colony Overhauls

– Massalia, Colchis and Bosporus have had their rosters changed and updated.
– These three factions now have special colony barracks building types that have unique features and functions such as local vs Greek units, culture/diplomacy effects, etc.
– Colchis is now Caucasian and has Caucasian temples (new campaign only)
– New Faction trait: Colony population techs in the military training tree.
– Current campaigns with these factions may have some issues with incorrect building types.

Other New Units

– New Nabatean camel unit, New Athenian peltast units, new Iberian reform unit, new Saba heavy infantry, and new Kartli heavy swordsmen.

New Barbarian AI Roster Units

– Added 90 new AI only Grand Campaign units for various germanic, gallic, celtiberian, thracian and british AI factions from Ritter-Floh to create more unique and varied rosters.
– These will replace or augment existing rosters based the tribe. The goal is to add more variety and unique units for the various factions a player may face.

British Units & Generals Visual Updates

– Added new and greater variations for many units and updated their appearance. These included older shared units, officers, standard bearers and faction exclusive units.
– British generals updated with new visuals and proper politician outfits for when they are not leading troops.
– Big thanks to CEMN on all the hard work for these changes!

Area of Recruitment Changes

– Various higher tier AOR units have been moved to the immigration/foreign quarter line of buildings in many regions.
– These units now require either tier 2 or tier 3 of the immigration building to be recruited, depending on the unit quality.
– Depending on the culture, some of these units may still be available in the main city line because cultures cannot build immigration buildings of their own culture type.
– Removed copy units of Galatian AOR levies, swords and cavalry. These units are now available in the traditional Galatia area only.

Resource Changes (New Campaigns only)

– Iron has been moved from Sicily to Corsica and fish from Corsica to Sicily.
– Silver has been added in the Edetani’s city and olive oil has been moved in land.
– Added new amber and spice main city buildings rather than having the resource come from the region effect alone.
– Moved the amber resource in Germany to be on the coast with a port
– Region effects still produce 1 of each resource to allow saves to retain that feature. Save games will have amber production in a different region than the resource buildings in Germany due to the move.
– Carthage’s mercenary barracks now requires silver rather than gold to upgrade.

Squalor Changes

– Squalor (sanitation) effects now begin at tier 1 for all cities and gradually increase to tier 4.
– Lowered squalor (public order) negatives on all tier 4 cities.
– Slightly increased squalor (sanitation) from major cities.
– Removed random disaster plague events.

Population Changes

– Replaced most upkeep bonuses in the Military Management technology tree with population bonuses.
– Population system economic effects are now properly working. This will have an impact on save game economies.

New Victory Conditions

– Revised all Victory conditions to be generally shorter, more consistent and varied between the types of victories. Big thanks to Q_Sertorius for all the work on this new feature! (new campaign only)

Major Changes

– Reduced AI agent amount (reduced cap) at higher imperium levels.
– Removed Governor (dignitary) agent active actions, they are now passive only.
– Many Mercenaries now start at 0 availability to begin a campaign and have to replenish. Most provinces start with 1 unit available at start, some with 2. (new campaign only)
– Changed all Mercenaries to have the same replenishment rate chance (15% as most had already) – new campaign only
– Increased recruitment cost based on imperium level, especially for highest imperiums.
– Reduced AI Bonuses for smaller imperium size AI factions.
– Lowered gravitas per turn effects for skills, ancillaries and traits.
– Updated visuals for 14 units that had older or vanilla assets from skillfultree’s submod. Big thanks to him!
– Tier 4 barracks now give 1 extra recruitment slot.
– AI Carthage now starts friendly toward the Nasamones, Garamantia, Cyrenaica and the Gaetuli.
– Added autoresolve bonus for Carthage and Seleucids when attacking vs non player allied minor factions.
– Fixed the Fleet ready to leave port supply effect not properly being removed.
– Fixed skills, ancillaries and traditions that affect enemy morale not properly working. They will now affect all enemy armies in a region.
– Fixed many factions having incorrect rebellion units and general units.
– Lowered fame threshhold for Imperium 6-8, so they will be reached sooner.
– All units now have campaign stealth and will have to be seen in order to be identified on the campaign map.
– Added new strategic port for Athens (Piraeus) in new campaigns, changed previous special tier 5 port to a different name.

Other Changes

– Fixed Battle of Cannae crashing, thanks to Swaraj!
– Fixed the “white screen” map bug when starting a multiplayer campaign.
– Replaced chariot techs Baktria and Caledones. Changed Seleucid chariot tech to include elephant effects.
– Changed political party names for some Bactria, Cimbri, Syracuse and Sparta auxiliary parties
– Added new strength/weakness unit description texts for all units based on unit class/weapon.
– Changed Rugoz roster units to match Cimbri units.
– Added guerilla deployment to Germanic and Iberian missile units.
– Changed Germanic axe raider ships to population class 3 to match land counterparts.
– Small increase to some tier 4 minor city food consumption.
– Fixed Macedon grain pits missing baggage train recruitment.
– Removed shared heavy cavalry commander unit from celtiberian factions.
– Fixed Mercenary Belgic Lancers missing secondary weapons.
– Fixed some Iberian factions have a Celtic rather than Iberian piece of artillery.
– Removed normal thorax spears from Pergamon roster due to having their own version.
– Moved Edetani Guard and Heavy Infantry to barracks, Light Swords and Skirmishers to main city line.
– Moved Cimbri slingers to main city line and elite skirmishers to tier 3 cities.
– Added Cimbri Noble cav and Ardaiei noble hoplites to recruitable units.
– Removed Galatian and Iberian mercenary units from African provinces (new campaign only)
– Increased Carthaginian maximum available limit for Galatian and Iberian factional mercenaries (new campaign only)
– Removed 3rd class pop bonus to Colony buildings.
– Increased 1st/2nd class pop from public guard tower buildings.
– Fixed 2 incorrect units in Baktrian chapter missions.
– Fixed Seleucids and Baktria missing required technologies for granaries and main city storage buildings.
– Fixed Germanic army tradition missing effect text, name and icon
– Fixed Bibracte having reversed descriptions for trade/fort variants
– Changed barbarian research buildings to increase pop 1 and 2 instead of 1 and 3.
– Added Iberian light cavalry units to all barracks types.
– Increased cavalry ratio for Iberian AI army templates.
– Added sanitation effects to Germanic Austro temple line.
– Kartli foot guard moved up to tier 3 barracks recruitment.
– Fixed Bactrian Heroic cavalry having wrong attribute group
– Changed Scythian armored lancers to have proper ammo amount.
– Fixed Media starting archer unit size. (new campaign only)
– Moved Gastraphetes unit to Sicily only.
– Fixed bad texture on an Indian 2h axe model.
– Added bireme/trireme recruitment for Rhodes tier 1 special port.
– Moved Armenian/Kartli Georgian sword unit to main city recruitment.
– Added Loricati reform unit to Lusitani roster.
– Light Peltasts now use 2h spears and have them in offhand with javelins.
– Removed horse armour on certain non heavy hellenic horses
– Changed Arevaci guerilla warriors to third class
– Added guerilla deployment to Cimbri spearmen, berserkers and sword unit.
– Changed unit card for Numidian slingers.
– Changed Greek ballista to 2nd class to match other factions and siege units.
– Lusitani Heavy spear and sword also now recruitable from tier 3 barracks along with tier 3 cities. Callaeci Medium infantry moved to tier 2 cities.
– Removed Syrian mercenary elephants, increased AOR syrian elephants campaign cap.
– Removed quotation marks (many errant) from unit descriptions
– Fixed garrison Armenian cavalry missing javelin models in battle.
– Moved Thracian footmen to tier 1 cities, Thracian Rhomphaia to tier 2.
– Added Molossian Royal Guard to tier 3 barracks recruitment.
– Moved Caledonian archers to city recruitment, militia to barracks recruitment
– Changed Caledonian medium archers to pop 3, light cav to pop 2
– Added stealth/guerilla attributes to skirmisher and levy Irish and Caledonian units.
– Removed pop 3 bonus from Barbarian barracks and Eastern sanitation buildings to help with overcrowding.
– Changed tier 4 cattle/grain alternative buildings to provide pop 2.
– Changed some political party colors to better stand out.
– Fixed bugged textures on Egyptian traitor legionary and Scipio Praetorian unit shields.
– Added provincial cavalry morale bonuses for Epona temples.
– Changed Dacian Cataphract cav to pop class 1.
– Fixed missing trait effects for some female traits.
– Fixed Pergamon Galatian infantry not being recruitable, moved to a pre-Thureos unit (new campaign only)
– Removed lowest tier townsfolk units from rebellion rosters.
– Lowered starting Hellenic culture in Caucasia.
– Changed Pergamon Elite Thureos spears to 2nd class
– Fixed Pergamon civil war faction missing garrison units.
– Moved a few different barbarian units from the slave market buildings to the Loremaster’s Hut in major cities.
– Fixed Armenian civil war faction missing garrison units
– Removed artillery Quinquiremes for most eastern factions.
– Fixed composite bow cavalry shield animations.
– Fixed various incorrect voice entries for units.
– Removed javelins from some AOR and garrison British units.
– Moved Meroe skirmishers and archers to main city line, medium spearmen and pikes to barracks. Moved light cav to tier 1 stables.
– Moved Median Persian Kinsmen Lancers to Iranian reforms
– Removed Median pikes from roster.
– Fixed Parthian camel cataphracts not being properly recruitable.
– Fixed Late Triarii and Allied Pedites missing weapons in hollow square.
– Fixed 3 units missing from Nervii custom battle roster
– Changed Greek raiding hemolias to be third class pop.


– KAM for the insane amount of work he puts in on everything
– Ritter for so many great units
– Q_Sertorius for the new victory conditions
– Benjin for helping to identify the battle lag issue
– CEMN for his british units update
– Thanks to Jake, CEMN, skillfultree and Swaraj for help with unit card work
– skillfultree for his updated texture submod
– Litharion for various script fixes

New Divide et Impera Units Database!

New DeI Website Resource – Units Database!

We are happy to announce a new units database on our website for Divide et Impera. Here you will find the various faction units as well as campaign units such as AOR, Auxiliary and Mercenaries. Feel free to browse the new database here or simply navigate it via the main menu above.

I hope everyone enjoys the new resource and we plan on expanding it and many other website features in the future. Thanks for your support!

1.2.8 Upcoming Changes & Ideas

Upcoming Mod Changes

Greetings everyone, its been awhile since I posted and I apologize! We took a small break for a few weeks after we had our last release but got right back to work on our next update.  We hope to have a beta to try out in the next couple of months and then a full mod update this summer.

As a sneak preview, I wanted to list some ideas we are currently working on implementing:

  • Reworked rosters for various factions including updated visuals and/or new units for Colchis, Bosporus, Massalia and Athens. The Greek colonies may also be receiving some custom culture and building changes.
  • Battle Lag Fixes will be implemented. Thanks to Benjin’s discoveries and some internal testing, we have found some unintended side effects of a few aspects of DeI that will be changed to help reduce battle lag, especially for lower tier systems. Some of you may have already tried out KAM’s submod that does this and those changes will most likely be fully added to the mod.
  • Around 90 new AI only units from Ritter-Floh that will round out many of the barbarian rosters and make them more unique. Rather than constantly fighting the same old generic celtic, germanic, iberian, thracian or british units, you will find some more specific tribal units when you go up against various AI factions.

  • Totally revised victory conditions by Q_Sertorius, a new team member who has changed the various conditions to be a lot more reasonable (and in some cases shorter) for many factions and standardized a lot of the requirements. Also, there will be variation between the victory types and cultures.
  • Amber & Spice Buildings have been added to the main cities of those resource areas. Rather than having them be regional effects, they will have their own custom building lines. This also will fix the bug where those resources sometimes disappear the first turn after loading.
  • Squalor Changes: The sanitation portion of squalor will be slightly more important and the massive public order negatives from higher tier buildings will be toned down.
  • Major & Minor fixes and updates – A whole lot more fixes and ideas are also being worked on and the list grows daily. A few major changes are also being tested which include reducing AI agent spam, changes to gravitas and population economic effects being properly implemented.

We also have some other major ideas still in the works that we are not 100% done with conceptualizing yet. So, I didn’t want to include those. However, expect many more changes to be included in the summer update! We hope to have more previews soon.

Website Changes

We have also decided to dedicate more time and resources to improving the website as we originally intended but life (and modding) got in the way! The Population and Reforms guides have been updated to reflect the most recent mod changes and more guides will be updated as we are able. In the future, we hope to have even more features such as a units database, a better regions guide/map and other ideas. Along with these changes, we have also implemented some light ads on the site. Our goal is to have the website eventually support itself for its long term viability and sustainability (and so we can keep working on deeper features for it!). Thanks for your support!