Divide et Impera 1.3.3 Overview
Although our summer update has pushed itself into late Autumn, we have finally brought the beta to a close. Divide et Impera 1.3.3 has arrived! This update includes the long-awaited Rise of the Republic overhaul, roster overhauls for Saba and Saka in the grand campaign and hundreds of other new features and fixes. Please see the patch notes for details.
You can head over to our Download Page to get the latest update. Steam will update automatically. It is save compatible. We will be working on updating submods as we can.
Patch Notes
Rise of the Republic Overhaul
– Massive overhaul of the RotR campaign with tons of changes to bring it up to mod standards.
– All unit rosters have been updated and reworked to better fit the time period.
– Many campaign systems have been fixed and/or updated.
– New army spawns and scripted help for Carthage to make it a more viable later game opponent for some factions.
Saba Overhaul
– Unit appearances and stats have been updated for Saba.
– Various new reform units based on Greek global reforms.
Saka Rauka Overhaul
– Overhauled unit roster for Saka Rauka.
Battle Changes
– Small adjustments to battle camera min/max distance
– Small reduction to short pike damage
– Adjustments to spear & long/short pike length
– Crossbow units running speed reduced
– Morale tweaks
– Fixed a battle crash when crossbow units are present.
– New custom banner icon for phalanx unit class.
– Ballista and Onager stats reworked to better define their roles.
Mauryan Government Actions
– Replaced Mauryan government options with new governmental actions that can be activated by the player.
Major Changes
– Visual overhauls for Boii, Edetani, Kartli, Kimbroz, Sweboz, Scordisci. This includes fixing visual bugs, new officers and standard bearers, new historically accurate helmets and other models.
– Added saddleless horses for Germanic cavalry units and various new horse appearances
– Turned down AI nomad supply usage
– Increase public order bonus for AI in Alexander and Mithridatic wars campaigns to help with long term stability issues from rebellions in script restricted map areas
– Fixed a bug in the population system where growth would stop and the UI values would not match the actual population values.
Smaller Fixes & Changes
– Added Syrian Elephant unit to Seleucids, replacing regular armored elephants
– Updated late Atropatkan standard bearers (thanks to skilfulltree)
– Added new campaign appearance for Rome’s main city building.
– New unit cards for some Massalian units
– Updated visuals and spacing for some Macedonian heavy cavalry units
– Moved Roman Capite Censi Legionaries to main settlement building chains
– Fixed Eastern faction group trait missing title
– Fixed Caledones chapter 2 mission having wrong tech requirement
– Removed old vanilla factional mercenaries for british IA campaign factions (new campaign only)
– Fixed Thracian Medium cavalry having a bugged shield texture
– Changed Merchant Adventurer ancillary to also be used by dignitaries
– Fixed some Year in History texts having various mistakes.
– Fixed some special capitals missing various garrison units
– Added levy tag to Mauryan Reserve Infantry
– Fixed Medewi frontend faction selection image
– Added Updated cultural icons for Nomadic, Buddhism, Italian and Hinduism
– Fixed wrong victory conditions for Mithridatic Wars Pontus building
– Fixed victory conditions in Mithridatic Wars having the same province requirements for different victory types
– Fixed spelling error in Greek reform tech description
– Changed weapon and shield entries for Kartli skirmishers
– Fixed chapter 4 Iceni mission requiring wrong unit types
– Spartan Neodemades entity updated to regular rather than Spartan hoplite
– Fixed wrong formation for early Roman units
– AOR Scoridsci infantry weapon updated from falx to elite sickle, cost adjusted
– Skiritai class changed to missile (melee skirmishers)
– Removed reference to javelins from some thorax spear units
– Macedonian royal peltast pikes/swords appearance updated
– Fixed Nervii missing access to amber and spice resource buildings
– Spartan Neodemades entity updated to regular rather than Spartan hoplite
– Skiritai class changed to missile (melee skirmishers)
– New models courtesy of Pelicuan: Iberian standards and war horns, Arverni ceremonial helmets, and more.
– New Celtic helmets courtesy of Celticus and the Rome HD team.
– New generals for Ligurians and Veneti.
– Fixed unit sizes for some Germanic skirmisher starting units
– Fixed Carthaginian Numidian mercenary cavalry missing numidian mount types
– Added Thracian reform requirements to upgrade technology description
– Fixed some bad texture lighting on some campaign map tiles in GC (thanks Venator!)
– Fixed British ambusher unit missing from Caledonian roster
– Removed the highest tier ship types from Bosporan roster
– Fixed Greek Quinquireme ships not being recruitable from small tier 3 ports, moved them from tier 2
– Increased xp gain from higher tier military academy buildings for generals garrisoned
– Improved siege defense attrition bonuses from forum storage and some sanitaiton buildings
– Added siege defense attrition bonuses to some main city tier 3 and 4 variants
– Hundreds of other smaller fixes.
– Q_Sertorius and CEMMEN for the tireless work on the RotR overhaul.
– KAM and CzarHussar for the Saba and Saka overhauls
– Swaraj and Sumamry for the Mauryan changes and lots of help!
– Summary for the culture icons, unit icons and other great UI work!
– Pelicuan for various new models, thanks!
– Celticus for some great helmets.
– skilfulltree for the new Atropatkan late standard bearers
– Many alpha testers for the RotR update, thanks!
– yaxl3y for the ui icons!
– Various armor and helmet textures from Venator Vicain
– Ligurian shields from Willhelm92
– Summary, Pilcuan and Venator Vicain for help on the Saka overhaul
– Venator Vicain for the phalanx icons
– Litharion for the pop system fix, thanks buddy!
Germanic Pikemen have no shields anymore:(
Im happy for the update,
but its already hard to play the germanic tribe in a versus campaign against most others factions for me.
Holy shit the new “Tab key” map looks amazing (Rise of the Republic at least)! I didn’t realize an update was coming out. I played for three hours last night and now this afternoon I fire it up and there is a whole new map. Looks fantastic, especially the seas. Bravo.
Getting crashes when try to start a new campaign now since the update.
Check for out of date submods.
Make Armenia playable for Mithridatic wars. We want to play with Tigranes the Great
Fix Update 1.3.3a
– Fixed GC Roman characters not properly starting with rank 1 political traits
– Added new frontend map images for faction selection in GC, thanks to Summary!
– Added new Nuragic main city campaign building models in RotR
– Tweaks to morale
– Updated appearance of mercenary Cretan archers and Macedonian Hypaspists
– Small update to Cretan archer melee stats/cost
– Fixed Alexander campaign missing some mission text descriptions
Did something happen to the ballista/workshops in Rise of the Republic? I can’t seem to see the siege building tree/build ballistae anymore
Hi mate
Please work on empire divided campaign
Any way i love your mod thanks all of you
My Thrake region have -37% taxes, is that normal? it’s the only region have negative taxes which lead to 0 income sometimes
Some factions are not playable, like Syracuse and Pergamon even with the submod with all faction, is it normal ?
DLC required.
Thank you so much for the RotR update!!
Exactly what I wanted to play.
Love this mod – but did something happen to the ballista/siege workshops in the Rise of the Republic campaign?The workshop building seems to have disappeared and i can’t recruit ballistae anymore (old saves and new games) – am i missing something obvious?
Loving the RotR campaign – but only not playing as Rome – are they supposed to be insanely overpowered ?
I thought that at this period in history, they weren’t armed that much differently to their neighbours, but I see Melee Attack values for Hastati of 10, Principes at 12 and Triarii at 14.
Normal hoplites for everyone else have a value of 7, so the Triarii seem vastly stronger.
Rome’s neighbours, eg. Samnites have hoplites and hastati with an Attack of 7, Ensiferi with 9 and really tough looking Velites coming in with a 10.
With those sorts of numbers, I can’t see any challenge in playing Rome ( although it is supposed to be a Hard start ) – those troops will walk through anything and laugh.
I’m almost hoping here that I have a corrupt install – is that possible or are these the genuine numbers ? If so, is there a justification for them ?
Thanks for your work!
exellant and tnks
please work on empire divided campaign too
i really waiting for that……
yayyy, now for christmas I HAVE to get some steam giftcards to buy rise of the republic cant wait!
Im getting a few visual glitches like words not showing up in buildings tabs or faction names not appearing. Is it only me?
Make sure you are using the english game version.
Hey so I noticed the Hoplites are still using the Underhand Spear Animation when in phalanx. Didnt you guys change them to overhand not too long ago? Did something go wrong?
No we never changed them, those animations are unfortunately glitchy. Also the overhand vs underhand debate is a mess.