We hope you enjoy another Divide et Impera 1.3 preview from Q_Sertorius and CEMN, this time featuring the Scordisci! We also will have some news in the near future about a combined public beta for everyone to try out. Currently, you can find various sections of the beta available for testing on our Discord.
The Scordisci
The Scordisci were a Celtic tribe formed after the Gallic invasion of the Balkans that mixed with the local Thracians and Illyrians. Their tribal name may be connected to the Scordus, the Šar mountain. Extensive La Tène type finds of local production are noted in Pannonia as well as northern Moesia Superior, which attest to the concentration of Celtic settlements and cultural contacts. They controlled the various Pannonian tribes in the region, extracting tribute and enjoying the status of the most powerful tribe in the central Balkans. Their power was centered on Singidunum. They subjugated a number of tribes in Moesia, including the Dardani, several west Thracian tribes, and the Paeonians. From 141 BC, the Scordisci were constantly involved in battles against Roman-held Macedonia. Between 56 and 50 BC, the Dacians defeated the Scordisci, and became subject to the powerful Dacian ruler, Burebista. In 15 BC, Tiberius crushed the Scordisci. They became Roman subjects, providing valuable support for later campaigns against the Pannonians and Breuci. They started receiving Roman citizenship during Trajan’s rule (98–117 AD). With their Romanization, they ceased to exist as an independent ethno-political unit.
Visually, the Scordisci cross-cultural mix runs throughout the roster, from the lowest levy spearman to the noble Cordinau Orca, elite nobles wielding unique curved longswords. However, the Thracians stand out particularly in the Scordisci javelin units, and the Illyrians have a heavy presence in the Scordisci navies.
Check back soon for more beta news!