Rise of the Republic Rome Unit Roster

Infantry Units
Rorarii (Roman Reserve Spearmen) The spear-armed Rorarii are a reserve troop of light infantry, that can quickly reach a crisis point in battle. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
20 | 8 | 5 | 10 | 39 | 19/5 | 7/65 | -/- | – | 0 |
Hastati (Roman Light Spearmen) Younger, less experienced, and less wealthy than their peers, the Hastati form the front line of the Roman Manipular Legion. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
23 | 10 | 6 | 15 | 45 | 21/6 | 8/70 | 14/5 | 85 | 1 |
Principes (Roman Medium Spearmen) Wealthy and experienced citizen soldiers armed with spears and large shields. The Principes hold their position in the second line of the Roman Manipular Legion. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
26 | 12 | 7 | 30 | 48 | 23/6 | 8/70 | 14/5 | 85 | 1 |
Triarii (Roman Heavy Spearmen) Wealthy and experienced citizen soldiers who fight in a phalanx formation. These men hold their position in the third line of the Roman Manipular Legion. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
29 | 14 | 8 | 38 | 51 | 25/6 | 5/70 | -/- | – | 0 |
Missile Units
Accensi (Roman Levy Slingers) Slingers levied from among the poorest Romans – too poor to afford most equipment. They provide a skirmishing force for the legion. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
8 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 33 | 16/1 | 0/15 | 4/5 | 165 | 20 |
Leves (Roman Levy Javelinmen) Javelin armed-skirmishers that act as screening troops and provide missile support to the legions. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
8 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 36 | 16/1 | 2/30 | 15/5 | 80 | 6 |
Cavalry Units
Equites (Roman Heavy Cavalry) The cavalry elite of Roman society, used for flanking and pursuing routing enemies. Equipped with a spear and circular shield, along with the finest armour they can afford. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
47 | 8 | 7 | 28 | 48 | 26/5 | 4/45 | -/- | – | 0 |
Custodes Corporis Legati (Roman General’s Bodyguard) These Roman officers and their guard of equestrians lead the legion into battle. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
48 | 9 | 9 | 38 | 51 | 26/5 | 6/55 | -/- | – | 0 |
Auxiliary Infantry Units
Socii Rorarii (Latin Reserve Spearmen) The spear-armed Rorarii are a reserve troop of light infantry, that can quickly reach a crisis point in battle. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
16 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 39 | 20/3 | 7/65 | -/- | – | 0 |
Socii Hastati (Latin Light Spearmen) The Socii provide medium-grade infantry for Rome. These men form the front line on the flanks of the Roman hastati. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
18 | 7 | 10 | 15 | 45 | 22/4 | 8/70 | 14/5 | 85 | 1 |
Pedites Extraordinarii (Latin Heavy Spearmen) The best fifth of the allied triarii are designated as extraordinarii – indeed, extraordinary soldiers. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
21 | 9 | 14 | 38 | 51 | 26/4 | 5/70 | -/- | – | 0 |
Socii Principes (Latin Medium Spearmen) More experienced and heavily armed allied troops form part of the second line, on the flanks of the Roman centre. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
19 | 8 | 12 | 30 | 48 | 24/4 | 8/70 | 14/5 | 85 | 1 |
Ensiferi Samnitici (Allied Samnite Swordmen) These Samnite warriors now serve their Roman allies.” They use javelins to harass the enemy before closing in with their swords.” |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
13 | 9 | 7 | 20 | 45 | 23/3 | 6/50 | 13/2 | 85 | 1 |
Hastati Samnitici (Allied Samnite Spearmen) These Samnite warriors use short thrusting spears and javelins in service of their Roman allies.”” |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
18 | 7 | 10 | 25 | 45 | 22/4 | 6/50 | 13/2 | 85 | 1 |
Hastati Umbri (Allied Umbrian Spearmen) These Umbrian warriors use short thrusting spears and javelins in service of their Roman allies.”” |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
18 | 7 | 10 | 25 | 45 | 22/4 | 6/50 | 13/2 | 85 | 1 |
Ensiferi Sabini (Allied Sabine Swordmen) These Sabine warriors use javelins to harass the enemy before closing in with their swords. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
13 | 9 | 7 | 20 | 45 | 23/3 | 6/50 | 13/2 | 85 | 1 |
Lucani Hoplitae (Allied Lucanian Hoplites) As the Italians have been in continuous contact with their Hellenic neighbors for centuries, they have learned the advantages of a close formation – at least when terrain is favorable. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
19 | 8 | 12 | 30 | 45 | 24/4 | 5/70 | -/- | – | 0 |
Umbri Securiferi (Allied Umbrian Axemen) These men are drawn from the wealthy citizens in order to defend their territory and ideals. In numerous battles against their neighbors, they have learned that an axe is an excellent way to solve a border dispute. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
26 | 7 | 3 | 15 | 39 | 18/13 | 4/65 | 13/2 | 85 | 4 |
Etruscani Hoplitae Optimi (Allied Etruscan Hoplites) These men are drawn from the pro-Roman nobility. They fight for their Roman allies” in the Greek style with a spear and aspis shield.” |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
21 | 9 | 14 | 35 | 48 | 26/4 | 5/70 | -/- | – | 0 |
Etruscani Securiferi Optimi (Allied Etruscan Assault Infantry) These men are drawn from the most experienced veterans and best-trained nobles. They are armed with excellent swords and axes and have the skills to employ them to the utmost. Their current status depends on demonstrating their loyalty to their new Roman allies” and they will fight hard to maintain it.” |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
23 | 13 | 5 | 25 | 51 | 23/9 | 5/70 | 13/3 | 85 | 1 |
Auxiliary Missile Units
Socii Velites (Latin Skirmishers) These javelin-armed skirmishers are fast moving and lightly armoured, and screen the advance of the Socii. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
15 | 12 | 2 | 10 | 39 | 23/3 | 4/40 | 15/6 | 85 | 4 |
Velites Samnitici (Allied Samnite Skirmishers) These Samnite allies” now serve Rome. They prefer to skirmish with their javelins, but if the situation is critical they will close in with their short thrusting spears.” |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
23 | 10 | 6 | 15 | 42 | 21/6 | 4/40 | 15/6 | 85 | 4 |
Pedites Celeres Umbri (Allied Umbrian Skirmishers) These Umbrian warriors prefer to skirmish with their javelins, but if the situation is critical they will close in with their short thrusting spears. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
23 | 10 | 6 | 15 | 42 | 21/6 | 4/40 | 15/6 | 85 | 4 |
Velites Sabini (Allied Sabine Skirmishers) These javelin-armed skirmishers are fast moving and lightly armoured, and screen the army’s advance. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
15 | 12 | 2 | 10 | 39 | 23/3 | 4/40 | 15/6 | 85 | 4 |
Auxiliary Cavalry Units
Equites Extraordinarii (Latin Heavy Cavalry) These elite Socii cavalry make up one third of the allied cavalry and are among the very best of Italia. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
48 | 9 | 9 | 41 | 48 | 26/5 | 4/45 | -/- | – | 0 |
Equites Celeres Samnitici (Allied Samnite Missile Cavalry) These pro-Roman nobles are excellent horsemen and a valuable striking force to a bold Roman commander. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
48 | 9 | 9 | 28 | 48 | 26/5 | 0/15 | 15/8 | 95 | 6 |
Equites Celeres Lucani (Allied Lucanian Missile Cavalry) These pro-Roman nobles are excellent horsemen and a valuable striking force to a bold commander. |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
48 | 9 | 9 | 28 | 48 | 26/5 | 0/15 | 15/8 | 95 | 6 |
Equites Sabini (Allied Sabine Cavalry) The cavalry elite of Sabine society, now used by their Roman allies” for flanking and pursuing routing enemies. Equipped with a spear and circular shield, along with the finest armour they can afford.” |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
47 | 8 | 7 | 28 | 48 | 26/5 | 4/45 | -/- | – | 0 |
Equites Campaniae (Allied Campanian Cavalry) These heavy cavalry, chosen men from the pro-Roman Campanian nobility, are an excellent tool for a commander, well able to break lesser opponents. Class: 1 Size: 100 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
40 | 13 | 8 | 33 | 48 | 32/3 | 0/15 | 13/4 | 75 | 4 |
Etruscani Equites (Allied Etruscan Cavalry) These cavalry are drawn from the pro-Roman nobles of Etruscan cities and colonies. Class: 1 Size: 100 |
Charge | Attack | Defense | Armor | Morale |
Melee Dmg/AP |
Shield/Missile Block | Missile Dmg/AP | Range | Ammo |
47 | 8 | 7 | 28 | 48 | 26/5 | 4/45 | -/- | – | 0 |