Iweriu Unit Roster

Infantry Units


Towtyoi (Irish Levy Spearmen) These freemen are not a professional fighting force, but a militia who follow the army if the tribe’s territory is threatened. If the druids give them favourable omens and they are inspired by a great leader, these spearmen will do their best to hold a line or charge a wavering enemy. If they are forced into extended melee, however, or if the ardour of their first rush cools, they are likely to head for the nearest forest or bog to hide for the rest of the battle.
Class: 3 Size: 300

Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale

Melee Dmg/AP

Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
16 6 8 1 36 20/3 4/40 -/- 0


Ouxseloi Iwerakoi

Ouxseloi Iwerakoi (Irish Noble Spearmen) The nobles of Hibernia are the best equipped of all Irish warriors, with elaborate armour as well as crested, plumed, and feathered helmets, highly recognisable on the battlefield when fighting on foot. If necessary to thwart an enemy charge or defend their chief in a desperate fight, they can form a stout Shield Wall formation.
Class: 1 Size: 200

Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale

Melee Dmg/AP

Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
21 9 14 35 51 26/4 7/65 -/- 0



Kladiwowiri (Irish Assault Infantry) These lightly-armoured warriors use shortswords, axes, and javelins to overcome their enemies. A coward has no place in the community and these men are determined to demonstrate their bravery at any cost.
Class: 2 Size: 300

Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale

Melee Dmg/AP

Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
26 7 3 15 42 18/13 4/40 13/2 85 1



Kluddargos (Britannic Sword Masters) These nobles use two-handed longswords with especially heavy blades. Such weapons are very expensive and require years of practice to master. As nobles, they can also afford excellent mail armour, but their lack of shields may make them vulnerable to enemy missiles.
Class: 1 Size: 200

Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale

Melee Dmg/AP

Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
36 17 5 30 51 25/13 0/15 -/- 0


Wenoi Iwerakoi

Wenoi Iwerakoi (Irish Noble Swordsmen) These nobles are superb fighters. They usually wear a good quality helmet and reinforced leather armour, while their maneuverable shields provide a measure of protection against ranged attacks. They are elite swordsmen, using heavy javelins and longswords for devastating attacks, and are very useful as a flanking unit.
Class: 1 Size: 200

Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale

Melee Dmg/AP

Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
21 15 5 25 48 30/2 7/65 13/3 85 1



Calawre (Irish Noble Raiders) All the Celtic cultures follow hero worshipping traditions, and the Irish are no different. These Irish nobles use high-quality Gallic equipment, which they have acquired through trade, warfare, or raiding. They specialize in ambushes, raids, and other hit-and-run attacks.
Class: 2 Size: 200

Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale

Melee Dmg/AP

Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
19 13 4 30 48 28/2 6/50 13/2 85 1


Weroi Iwerakoi

Weroi Iwerakoi (Irish Retainer Spearmen) These warriors form the bulk of the Irish armies. Although they have only moderate armour, they are brave and dependable spearmen who can be counted on to hold a battleline.
Class: 2 Size: 300

Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale

Melee Dmg/AP

Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
18 7 10 20 48 22/4 7/65 13/3 85 1



Teceitos (Britannic Axemen) These warriors wear leather or padded vests and bronze or iron helmets to help protect themselves. Their strength lies in the stout axes which they wield with fierce determination as they attempt to hew their way through enemy battle lines. They are light enough to move swiftly over the battlefield, allowing them to flank heavy infantry, and strike them from the flanks or rear. If they use their javelins at the right time, the Teceitos are especially useful for breaking up heavy infantry.
Class: 2 Size: 200

Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale

Melee Dmg/AP

Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
28 9 4 20 45 19/14 7/65 13/2 85 1


Wiri Gurmakoi

Wiri Gurmakoi (Irish Painted Warriors) These warriors are chosen for their strength and above-average physique. Perfect line-breakers with their heavy swords, they can also be described as young champions, who are either not wealthy enough to afford armour, or shun its use in order to be more agile, though some wear helmets. They are tattooed and usually half- or completely naked, their hair typically painted and coated with white cender to be more impressive.
Class: 2 Size: 200

Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale

Melee Dmg/AP

Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
22 17 6 10 51 32/2 4/40 13/3 85 1


Drwdae Ambaktoi

Drwdae Ambaktoi (Britannic Guard Spearmen) Druids do not usually fight, but since they are incredibly important to the tribe, many brave men of high birth flock to the tribe’s shrines and temples in order to protect them. Their excellent armor and good shields enable them to be very aggressive with their sharp spears.
Class: 1 Size: 200

Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale

Melee Dmg/AP

Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
29 14 8 30 54 25/6 6/50 -/- 0


Missile Units

Lawes Korakoi

Lawes Korakoi (Irish Slingers) These freemen slingers are very common and form a large part of the Irish infantry. In fact, they are devastating on the battlefield, but easy prey in case of counterattack, especially by cavalry. They typically accompany the central formation and open the battle, weakening the enemy’s front ranks before the main shock.
Class: 3 Size: 175

Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale

Melee Dmg/AP

Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
18 5 2 1 30 14/15 0/15 5/6 190 20



Gaisowiri (Irish Skirmishers) These freemen are tough, hardy men, who fight hard in defense of their homes, herds, and families. Although they rely primarily on their skill with javelins to harass or drive off an enemy, they do have a short spear which they can employ in melee.
Class: 3 Size: 200

Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale

Melee Dmg/AP

Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
16 6 8 1 36 20/3 4/40 15/6 85 6


Albio Weidelos

Albio Weidelos (Late Britannic Irish Raiders) Drawn from the experienced raiders of the Irish coast, these skirmishers are generally more experienced and better equipped than most of the other freemen. While they also carry shortswords for close fighting, they rely primarily on their gaiso throwing spears, which they employ with great skill.
Class: 3 Size: 200

Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale

Melee Dmg/AP

Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
16 14 3 10 39 23/4 4/40 15/7 90 6



Karutses (Irish Veteran Skirmishers) These experienced warriors are very skilled with their javelins, which they throw with great force. Once their missiles are expended, they use a variety of melee weapons. Their armor varies widely, depending largely on what they have been able to loot or acquire through warfare and the relentless tribal raiding which is such a large part of Celtic culture.
Class: 2 Size: 200

Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale

Melee Dmg/AP

Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
26 7 3 20 45 18/13 6/50 15/7 90 4


Cavalry Units

Markakoi Skamno

Markakoi Skamno (Irish Light Cavalry) These mounted warriors have plenty of experience raiding small towns at home and along the coasts of Britannia, choosing light armor – sometimes taken from slain foes – for speed and mobility.
Class: 2 Size: 120

Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale

Melee Dmg/AP

Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
36 9 4 13 42 30/3 4/45 15/6 85 6


Markakoi Akrowiri

Markakoi Akrowiri (Irish Noble Cavalry) While a few of these men wear light cavalry armor and helmets, often imported from Gaul, most of these nobles demonstrate their bravery by riding into battle wearing beautiful cloaks bedecked by gold torcs and other blazing jewelry. They depend on repeated charges with their excellent lances to break an enemy line, but their horses are not as strong as their continental cousins.
Class: 1 Size: 100

Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale

Melee Dmg/AP

Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
50 10 11 18 51 27/5 6/55 -/- 0


Errotoi Iwerakoi

Errotoi Iwerakoi (Irish Chariots) Well-suited for flat terrain and a perennial status symbol in the more remote corners of the Celtic world, these noble charioteers charge with great speed from behind their own lines to strike into the confusion of the battle. They are especially deadly from the rear and will strike terror into all but the most determined adversaries. While it is not as maneuverable as a horse, a chariot provides a stable platform from which a skilled fighter can throw javelins or wield spears and longswords.
Class: 1 Size: 60

Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale

Melee Dmg/AP

Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
42 12 10 33 48 38/8 6/55 14/8 85 16


Reform Units

Albio Markakoi

Albio Markakoi (Late Britannic Heavy Cavalry) These professional cavalry are drawn from the best warriors available. Skilled, brave, and well-trained, only a powerful warlord can hope to recruit these excellent cavalry.
Class: 2 Size: 100

Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale

Melee Dmg/AP

Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
50 10 11 38 48 27/5 6/55 13/4 75 1


Albio Kluddobros

Albio Kluddobros (Late Britannic Heavy Swordsmen) These professional warriors live to fight, and their skill and strength far surpasses that of any levy unit. Armed with excellent shortswords, javelins, and large shields, these men make a worthy addition to any army, and if used well, can dominate the field.
Class: 2 Size: 200

Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale

Melee Dmg/AP

Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
16 14 3 35 48 23/4 7/65 13/3 85 1


Albio Arkwioi Laxsnas

Albio Arkwioi Laxsnas (Late Britannic Highland Archers) Drawn from the Caledonian Highlands, these freemen are armed with a bow, a one-handed axe, and a shield, which they sling across their back most of the time. Many of these skilled warriors also wear light leather armour and a few even have helmets.
Class: 3 Size: 175

Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale

Melee Dmg/AP

Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
28 9 4 10 39 19/14 4/40 13/3 175 15


Albio Gaisos

Albio Gaisos (Late Britannic Heavy Spearmen) These are professional warriors equipped by the leader of a very powerful tribe or confederation. It requires great resources, power, and prestige to recruit and equip these superb fighters.
Class: 2 Size: 200

Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale

Melee Dmg/AP

Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
19 8 12 35 48 24/4 7/65 13/3 85 1


Albio Uassedoi

Albio Uassedoi (Late Britannic Slinger Spearmen) These veteran freemen are superb slingers and respectable spearmen. This combination gives them a certain degree of versatility, enabling them to shower their opponents with slingstones, yet also hold their ground against lighter foes in melee.
Class: 3 Size: 175

Charge Attack Defense Armor Morale

Melee Dmg/AP

Shield/Missile Block Missile Dmg/AP Range Ammo
18 7 10 10 39 22/4 4/40 6/7 215 20